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Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Run #399 Bandar Mahkota Cheras

The usual run setter was drunk and we had to step-in to assist in setting the run. Together with Fit Loh, Fit Soh, NCS, Smelly Salty Fish and wife, DoMo, OnChai and me Mrs, we definitely decided to set a short one with climbs that would bring the pack to the quarry and back. It took us some 2hrs to complete it and had the runners going through the trail about an hour. But some not experienced hasher, on the 2nd check went about few hundred meters and further to call OnOn on the home trail after about half an hour – spoiling some half the pack’s fun whereas, the other half was on the right trail took about 1hr to complete with the final killer climb before home trail.  ***NoHair***

我也顺利在TESCO买到一个大雨伞。以后我们那里都可以做CIRCLE 了。 ON! ON!

有无毛和FIT LO的拔刀相助为我们SET RUN。 开了一条新路来给大家一个轻松的CIRCLE RUN。结果,真如所愿我们这班 sweeper也在6.30PM左右出来。

说起来,这次还是出了小风波。大概在第二个checking处,FROP就出了状况。眼见一班人往下山处跑下山。而另一班人且往上山处冲上山。等啊等!两方面的人马都没有回头。好像两条路都对。令我们SWEEPER很难做决定。最后,烧包爱妻心且就决定往下山处sweep。 由红龙陪伴。为了安全起见,我和神仙长就往上山处sweep。你看,SH4的sweeper是多么的专业。


原来运气好是有代价的。GM也一时误以为我们偷走SHORT CUT而罚SWEEPER(我和神仙长。可怜我们俩的好意且换来被罚"做冰"的后果。(真是冤枉啊!)其实,应该罚找错CHECKING的人。不过,走山是要HAPPY的。虽然被"陷害"还是要笑笑的接“做冰”的处罚。后来,无毛有处理了那位接错checking的。以后不好看到纸就喊"ON ON"。  两边都有纸的路不是找到Check。要小心!

当晚,因是"Father day",发烂渣有叫所有父亲和公公上来。由孩子或孙子喂他们吃蛋糕,拥抱和亲吻。场面也一时很温馨。充满父亲节气息。个个父亲都笑得见牙不见眼,非常高兴。没想到FLZ还会玩这一手。ON! ON!

今晚,我们的5支也被无毛取了新的HASH NAME。 “3支”被换成“大支” (TUAKI); “4支”被叫“小支”(SUAIKI); “ 5支”被称为“无半支”(BOPUAKI); “1支”被命名为“抓1支”(JEJIKI) 而“2支” 被点名为“抓2支”(JENUOKi)。我一时还分不出谁是那一支?

当晚,也有不少人因世界杯而被ON BOX者"陷害"。那班在BROGA吃榴梿的也被请上来做冰。

当然,大家最后也尽兴而归。 ON!ON!


Monday, June 21, 2010

2010年5月30日 尊孔独中尊孔行 (2010 Confucian School Run)

Video for the fund raising run that SH4 has participated promoted byo SKS.

A group of SH4 members and their family have joined the run. Many SH4 faces appeared in the screens. they are all really enjoy and have fun. ON! ON!

尊孔行的录像终于出炉了. 间中有不少SH4的面孔. 大家都很开心和快乐. ON! ON!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Runs for Jun

Run #398 -13/06/10 - SH4 - Sungai Long

It was a hot and sunny day. The crowd that showed up was in a good mood with few new comers and virgin to hash.

The run started with a line up to enter the trail by the road side in the thick bushes and a steep uphill climb. It was a long climb that brought many panting in the afternoon heat and the pack was treated with more uphill climbs further ahead. The first check was way into the trail after entering the rubber tree hills and about 30mins into the run. It was easy for me to check as the area is my territory! The check was broken by going down hill towards the river and the pack was eager enough to run down to soak, cooling off the generated heat. More were to come in the climbs, after crossing the river, a short climb to the usual ‘highway’ and crossing it, the pack was on the way climbing what is to be a killer climb! In the front pack, all the runners were caught in the steep and long climb to the top and a U-turn had us going down the hill on the other side that proved to be quite steep and dangerous with loose rocks and crossing a creek few times before we ended up on the ‘highway’ again. The second check had the runners forward but was broken with a back check on a trail to the right that we need to cross the river just behind a ‘Datuk’s’ house. A short climb to the usual trail that I used to use as the InTrail; and before we knew it, we were on the laterite road by the bungalows for a few more gradient and high climbs to get on the tarmac for the short run back to run site. FROP 1hr 15mins wit the last to call in about 7:45pm with the assistance of a 4WD.

***No Hair***

Run #397 -06/06/10 - Broga

六月份是我们做HARE。 我们必须负责SWEEPER的任务。619,神仙长和我一起捉“POOM POOM”。
FIT LO一开始就吩咐由女将们找第一个CHECKING。她们也不负众望顺利完成。






"Take nothing but photographs, Leave nothing but footsteps!"


Monday, June 7, 2010

Run #396 - 30/05/2010 - Vilaraya Industrial park, Jalan Kacau (CIRCLE)

这次的CIRCLE, GM再次为我们精心设计了2条路程:Short Run & Long Run。他一心想给FAST RUNNING BASTARDS (FRB)走得更爽快而特地SET一条很长的Long Run。如每次CIRCLE都SET Short Run。下次, FRB不来参加CIRCLE的RUN。他真是用心良苦啊!

结果,非常戏剧性的Long Run且演变成Wrong Run。一时把整个场面搞得“轰轰”“烈烈”。GM被人轰,轰到片甲不留。走Long Run的个个走得心情火火燃烧。

当天,GM 不知何故,在出山时碰巧遇到Short Run的人群。他也因此决定由Short Run的路程回程。他有对山脚下的SET RUN队伍喊话这是回程。可是, 偏偏不知何故,他们没有听清楚。他们反而避开Short Run而另开新路。此时问题可大了。Short Run的路程已包围了这山的唯一出口。结果,他们开路到4公里外的钓鱼场出来。听说他们还往山林内深入响当长的路途,经过2个鱼塘才出来。最后,连纸张都不够用。Sweeper 打电话出来喊救命。幸好,SH4一向来都很有团队精神。自动的有人驾车去接他们。晚上9时左右,他们才顺利平安回到。大家才能放下心头大石。CIRCLE也玩得响当夜。

这次是由第四组做HARE。他们也为大家准备了丰富的晚餐。他们还怕迟出山的团友口渴,特地驾车去卖更多的饮料。他们非常热心,非常尽责尽力,令人感恩。ON! ON!

当晚Joint Mistress 发烂渣可能是Long Run的受害者之一,她请了GM第一个坐冰。问GM为何与同组的SET RUN队伍离伍?为何这样....为何那样?...为何....?.为何..?.......一路发烂渣...??? 可怜的GM一坐就做到介绍完所有的GUESTS。发烂渣发难时的确是响当可怕的。我们已在3776M 的Via Feratta体检过了。相信GM的痔疮应该因此而冷冻好了。可怜的GM在Fit Lo 在on BOX时,又再次中票。Fit Lo 罚他为何SET RUN队伍有人失踪?
这次的2队SET RUN队伍好像出了大问题。连Short Run也出了状况。他们把一大包Short Run的纸留在山林里又被山羊(Mountain Goat) 找到。结果,杯杯落, 枝枝落,桶桶落和SuperOldMan个个中招。
Fit Lo 的记忆力可说是超强的。在MotherDay RUN, 619一时兴起说会给第一名的女FROP红包奖励。过后,619忘了。Fit Lo帮他回复记忆。Fit Lo请619送5包给TOP5。Fit Lo这位“大耳隆"为619加高昂的利息。记得,说过的话,要尽快实践;不然,要付出很高的利息喔!不过,619也的确很厉害。他能马上找到红包。然到,他是常常请"KOPI O"的?
说实在的,不由你不信。行山前,不可乱说话。鳄鱼进山前问我会不会又像上一次走不完? 我当场吓了一跳。虽然有吐口水,还是无效。因为是我吐,而非鳄鱼吐。结果,再次现灵。最后,因大众要求,我只好请鳄鱼两姐妹一起坐冰。619应是得到KalahSingh的真传,身为鳄鱼两姐妹的辩护律师。最后,自身难保也一起坐冰。

话又说回这次的SET RUN。我们也因从中吸取教训。不过,我们也应该感谢他们辛辛苦苦的为大家设计了别开生面的RUN。出了这个小意外,也不是大家想得到的。你走了多远,SETRUN队伍也是走一样的远;甚至更加远,因还要设计CHECKING。谢谢SETRUN队伍!你们是最棒的! ON! ON!

*** 细蛋***

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


SH4捷兔会一众会员携带子女于星期日大清早参与有三千人的义跑.全程4.3公里的路程环绕着广东义山. 大家都很热力的竞跑. 结果, SH4 可说是满载而归. 大大小小都有拿到奖牌. (第一至十五名才有奖牌)

女公开组: 2nd=7喜; 3rd=发烂渣; 8th=Sara Low
男公开组: 1st=马来仔, 2nd & 8th=SH4朋友
女宿将组: 2nd=青茶; 6th=叉烧; 8th=鳄鱼
男宿将组: 等我来; Super Old man; 运输.
小学女生组: 1st=陈欣瑜(细蛋女儿); 9th=陈欣颖(细蛋女儿); 13th=余韵洁(路痴女儿)

A group of SH4 members and children joint the Confucian School Run (Fund raising) on 30 May-2010. It has stunt many of us we have "SWEEP" many categories from the RUN.

Women Open - 2nd=7-up; 3rd=FattLanZa; 8th=Sara Low
Man Open -1st=Malai Chai, 2nd & 8th=SH4friends
Man Veteran -Super Old Man; Dang Wo Lei; Wan Xu
Women Veteran -2nd = Green Tea; 6th = Crocodile; 8th=Cha Siu
Girl Primary School - 1st=Xin Yue , 9th=Xin Yin, 13th=Yun Jie

More details   更多详情请游览:

*** SaiTan 细蛋***