Latest New 最新消息


Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Monday, December 28, 2009

Run # 375 (27 Dec-09) – Venice Hill (Wangsa Cheras)

原本最担心的“第十组”(GROUP10)也成功完成了GROUP HARE的任务…非常有水准。恭喜他们…ON ON…。同时,SH4的GROUP HARE也完成了第一轮了。恭喜SH4…ON ON…。

下午4.25pm左右,红龙(Red Dragon)已经载了一罗里的食物到场。心情也顿时舒畅。看到他一人驾驶,有点担心。不过,原来他已有一群友人帮忙。食物也特别丰富多彩。有炒面, 炒米粉, 炒粿条, 炒饭,糕点和豆奶。酒就有15箱了。一群HARE也自动自发的准备工作。很有SH4的合作精神!

今天人数众多,应该有超过150人。路边两旁车位也都爆满。连警察车也到来巡逻。有位Uncle还对他太太说,“里面好像有Pasar Malam.” 能搞的那么轰动,也应是SH4的魅力!
一进山便下了毛毛雨。有看到一位Uncle拿着雨伞进山。这次进山是走新的路程。一进入荒废的Golf Course,路程就转右。延着建筑工地一路由黄泥路上山。山上也能望到Bandar Mahkota Cheras。风景非常优美。然后,再下山往Jalan Langat方向跑。再左转进入树林。再爬一粒山,由荒废的Golf Course处回来。
FROP也在47分钟到达荒废的Driving ranch。当晚的FROP 是马来仔与海龙王,还有跟我来与幸运嫂。他/她们都得到“第十组”送的T-shirts。Sweeper (ON ON & One Stone)也在6.48pm左右抵达。

CIRCLE 也在7.10pm 开始。GM在介绍了“第十组”后马上兴师问罪。Dinosaur, No Hair 和我因在最后分钟决定换地点而被请坐冰凳。“第十组”也送了T-shirts给票选理事和顾问。接下来由我这位On-Sec上On-Box.

我在讲解Newsletter 的过程中也请了几位HASHER坐冰凳。顺便以他们做示范,也展示了我好“烂”公平的一面。还有,展示ON-BOX者的无上权力。

• 发烂渣和路痴因提示我讲华语;为了感谢他们,我请他们坐冰凳。(不能对ON-BOX者指指点点。)

• 周围八和草蜢因他们的GUEST没填写完整资料。(为了提醒大家, 以他们做示范。)

• 树胶钟因常常迟到。(为了提醒大家守时的重要。只好请他示范坐冰凳。)

• 当我们赞颂SPONSORS时, Hash Bard周围八却因路痴的误导而唱罚酒歌。结果双双请上座。

• 琦哥因没有MARK OUT,自动自首上来坐冰凳。勇气可佳。

• 山羊因MARK错名而没有自首而中DOUBLE CHARGE(双重惩罚)。

• Hash Bard周围八在罚山羊时,大概酒精未退,选了唱赞颂歌。结果他和山羊一起受罚。

接下来,我把权力移交给No Hair。他也轻易的请了以下嘉宾:
• No Hair马上给Hash Bard权力维持秩序和宁静。AH MORE马上中标。CIRCLE 时,不可以另外开separate party。(私下谈天说地。要说就On Box 说到底.)

• No Hair也指导了如何穿SARONG(一定要是HASH的Sarong。男的里面要真空。)可怜的马来仔因Chee Yoke Fui不在,被摆上冰凳做示范。(ON-BOX者的权力是无现的。)

接下来轮到Fit Lo 上ON BOX。他也展示了他“Mid-Night GM”的本色:
• 他趁此机会大赞GM。话说当其他人问他,“ 你是哪个CHAPTER的?”他回答,“XXX Chaper。”对方通常会“嗯”。不过,如他回答,“SH4!” 对方马上脸色一变,以非常重视他,崇拜他的心情说, “难怪你哪么走的!SH4喔!”因我们的GM set 的run都有很“高”HIGH的水准,所以SH4个个都很走的。他以很感激的心情,请了GM坐冰凳。(GM提醒大家下个RUN记得带手电筒..他会让大家走到天黑。)Hash Bard周围八再次出状况。他选对了唱赞颂歌而被罚。可是Fit Lo是明拗他的。结果周围八和GM一起坐冰凳,一起受赞颂。   (ON-BOX者的权力是非常大的!)

• 在他宣布Batu Hash 的celebration还剩下几个空位时, Dinosaur(也是Batu hash member)通知已满座了。Batu Hash哪么不给脸SH4? Dinosaur被拗坐冰。Hash Bard周围八也因不能带动大家唱罚歌而再次被罚。

• 论到Hash Whip(二五仔)上场。树胶钟点中了副猪席(Ah Loy)乱丢烟头而该坐冰凳。等我来点名619倒洒酒而该罚。六叔通水有位穿新鞋来参加CIRCLE,但给他在趁乱中闪开了。 没受到特别招待。

• HARE送的衣,一定要穿。结果, No Hair, 619, 发烂渣和跟我来都没穿上。他们都以"不尊重HARE”而被请上座。

接下来No Hair再次On-Box以完成他遗漏了的最后任务:
• Ah June的Hash Name是SH4理事会选出的。可惜,她的baptise(洗礼)确在其他CHAPTER完成。罚她没把这荣誉给SH4。其实Follow-me (跟我来)也不熟规矩。不过,今晚后,大家应该都记得她跟我来。

• 红龙和747因没有注意听,结果不知June的Hash Name而受惩罚。


P/S:周围八今晚特别的“旺”。我们也因他而好戏连连,笑声一波未停,一波又起。当晚的最佳男主角也非他莫属。ON ON!


Friday, December 25, 2009

20/12/09 - SH4 Jalan Hulu Langat KM7

New run site, yea! The down side of changing the run site at the very last minute really does confuse some hashers and many have ended up in the usual run site even with the many signs that have been put up by the road side! Geesh....some really don't look at signs at all..

The run started 10mins later as to 'cater' to the late comers and the 'lost souls'. As we were going in the run setters were on their way out, we got some info of the run and was warned of a 'beautiful' run. The rusn started with some walk/run on the slight hilly terrain in a clearcut area for development. Sure enough, it was the usual SH4 run with 'if you go up, you will have to come down and if you go down, you will have to come up' make it much more challenging, the weather have made the trails slippery. The hills were not very high but the slippery condition did provided some good sweat. The last part of the run was a bit dangerous as there were many deep holes that were covered by the leaves. In the end, it was a good run with FROP in less than an hour.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Run # 374 (20 Dec-09) - Jalan Langat (Pahang-Selangor Water Piping Construction Site)

一连两次的RUN我带了相机要拍Broga石拿督庙和Langat吊桥; 偏偏GM又特别有心地为大家找了两处久没有走的Run Site. 有点失望; 不过, 还是能找到美景的:)

今天, 因Langat吊桥的路段太烂, 车子不能进入而换了地点. 也因此场面有一点乱. 接了很多通电话. 最后, 大家也顺利抵达.....Friends helping Friend....SH4的伟大团队精神....ON ON!

Run Site地点小. 安排众多车子的Parking, 也费了一番功夫. 看到有警告牌:"保护区,闲人免进."有hasher担心. 我们hasher一向来以环境保护和崇高的走山精神, 所以不必担心.

有4位FIRST TIME GUEST参加. 2位是周围八带来的. 另2位是Kajang Hash members. 经过一番盘问后, 大队于5.05pm 出发. 又是整百人的大队浩浩荡荡的走山.

小孩只能走三十分钟的路程, 我也与小女在还没进入树林处回程. 也趁此回程取景. 刚好与树胶钟父子碰头. 他们又再次迟到. 这次有相为证. 下星期的CIRCLE不怕没人罚坐"龙椅"了. 刚到达车子不远处, 大雨也来了. 很庆幸有遵守纪律, 不然已是落汤鸡了.

FROP竟然是安仔. 难以想象他上个RUN才跌了一身伤. 海龙王再次很潇洒的一路补纸JOINING PAPER. 也趁此机会拍了所有RUNNER 的照片. (记得进入我们SH4 Photostream观赏)

出到RUN SITE, 原来一班HASHER(海龙王,海草和一班猪朋狗友)已为"冬至节"准备了丰富的食品. 有鸡,鸭,东菇鸡脚和汤圆. 实在令人感动. 往后, 有节日的话, 大家也可以带一些来分享.

Last Runner 也在7:06pm抵达. 听说是草猛带来的. A Ha!草猛没有跟随她.有罪!有罪!

有这班猪朋狗友, SH4的RUN永远是那么的温馨,快乐和安全的....ON ON..


13/12/09 - SH4, Broga (Orang Asli Village before the police station)

We had a Briton visitor that we picked up in Brickfields after much SMS and some communications.
The run - well, me Mrs opted to sit it out and I had the pleasure to 'escort' the guest all the way through. It was almost the same trail that we did when we had the first run here and it was wonderful, well at least to me it was. The guest was a bit fidgety when he thought that we would be in the jungle from the beginning till end and he was not a good runner, thus, he was afraid to end up in the jungle in the dark. The trail taxed him much as he was not as nimble as we are and he was not used to the steep up hill or downhill slopes. Slippery slopes was dreaded and cursed! It was after the first few killer climbs that he almost decide to turn back but didn't and continued to 'attack' the 1700ft asl before the home trail. He was tired but was almost started to enjoy it after reaching the top still with daylight! Just meters away from the run site, he gave a burst and ran to the cars while enjoying the cheers and claps of the crowd. Giving a '2-thumbs up', he finally survived SH4 run! Well, at least, once - he may not be visiting SH4 again! As our runs are not his 'cup of tea'....heheheh.....not all like 'this cup of tea'..


Monday, December 14, 2009

Run # 373 (13 Dec-09) - Broga Village


共有7位FTG。大都是可可带来的。个个背了大背包。(朋友,走山时越少东西越好喔。好戏在后头!)同时,NoHair也带了一位英国人(Titanic Dickhead - Antocooper)。这位老兄弟已在前几天联络了我,我正苦没人能去载他。他也真有本事联络了Fit Lo, 再传给NoHair。他的走山精神是令人佩服。NoHair的服务和友情的态度也是一流的。

人数整百人的团队以愉快的心情进山。正好,SET RUN 队伍也刚好出来了。一伙十多人因有晚宴而提早来SET RUN。走山精神可佳。


MoMoCha (168)第一位在6.:11pm到达。我还能听到他们在商讨着CHECKING。GM 真有一手,连最后一站也能玩CHECKING。接下来是海龙王。他也很潇洒的一路补纸JOINING PAPER。这是每位FAST Runner必须遵守的规则。这样大家才能安全走完山路,享受走山的乐趣和团队合作的精神。安仔好像跌了一交,跌得不轻。看到他很痛苦的跛着出山。能完成已是非常本事了,而且还是第十三位出来。毅力非凡!

7.33PM, Red Dragon (last sweeper)也终于顺利的完成任务。好彩有树胶钟跟随。不然,由Red Dragon这位新手殿后也的确有点冒险。树胶钟也趁此机会指天笃地大诉道理。想把他再次迟到的事扯开。不过,他能自愿留下帮忙,是值得赞赏。就原谅他迟到一次。将功赎罪!

今天好像赞赏了特别多人。的确,SH4 的成功全是因为有许多这类充满热诚,团队和友情的HASHERS。你们是最好的朋友!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Run # 372 (6 Dec-09) - Venice Hill

It was a rainy day and YM used the car to attend her classes. I had another pleasurable running day for myself! The run started just as it rained again with a medium crowd. The usual walk in on the abandoned golf course’s cement paved paths winding through some thick bushes towards the creek crossing; the trail was expected to be muddy and slippery – it was muddy at first on the in trail ad muddier still till the end; slippery slopes had many using more effort and energy on every slope of the numerous slopes; steep slopes were ‘attacked’ with fierce whining and curses, steep ascend was laughs and giggles; the trails were not much meant for a run except for a slip and slide fun, if you would have it; home trail was the only chance to run but was short lived as it stretched only about 1.5km; special mentions to the runners where they helped and toiled to get those caught it difficult ‘maneuvers’ to climb up or down and the warns of holes and thorns; FROP was out by 1hr20mins and the last one before 7:30pm, it was already dark by then as the rain grew heavier.

(scribed by No Hair)

今天又下雨, “另一半”又上课了,我只能自己爽的走山了。人数中中的人潮冒雨起跑。如常一样由荒废的高尔夫球场进山。今天的路程应是充满泥浆和滑路。哀诉,诅咒和啜泣充盖整座座滑坡。高超倾斜的坡度另人欢笑又带有痴痴笑。整个路程不是用跑的,而是用滑行来完成的。只有出山的短距离路程才能“跑”。特别感谢群策群力的山客们帮忙为“受害者”拉上拉下;警告陷阱口和荆棘。首先到达的用了一小时二十分。最后的也在晚上七时三十分前完成。此时,天色已暗,雨也越来越大了。


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Run # 371 (29 Nov-09) - Villaraya Industrial Park


今天共有170多人参加。由Fit Lo负责 SET RUN。由老蛋和捞一块负责盘问FISRT TIME GUEST。大大块,TOMATO 和PADAI做SWEEPER。

一开始便由香蕉芭上山。共有2个Checking和2 个Falsie。听说应该是爬了2粒高山。因风景特别漂亮,我也往出口处捕捉了不少风景照。也趁此机会拍了FROP 的冲刺奔跑的照片。

FIRST RUNNER于50分钟完成。LAST SWEEPER是在7pm左右回来。听说有一人晕了。不过都顺利完成。


周围八和Fit 嫂都很努力办好HASH BARD 的工作。虽是第一次不习惯,表现还好。不过,会员的唱功有代提升。

最后轮到细蛋报告会务事项。只通过了不7th Anniversary & AGM的账目,天空就下了一场大雨。搞得大家鸡飞狗走,落汤鸡般解散。CIRCLE也草草了事。真是天不作美。



Saturday, November 28, 2009

Run # 370   22/11/09 - SH4, Km 2.7 Jalan Hulu Langat

Set run with almost a record number of co-hares tagged along with me. Weather was not kind but got on with a medium length run - FROP 1hr25mins.

(Scribe: NoHair)
Run #369   15/11/09 - SH4, Broga

the weather was cool and it was expected to be a long run to sweat out the toxic concoction from previous night. Me Mrs was not around for the run, so i would have it to my own.

True enough, it was a run around the orchard hills before attacking the Big Brother. It was the usual trails that the 'assistants' remembered as the 'main man' was lagging behind half drunk to set the run!

The running pack was chasing the toxic smell with much ease as the checks were laid on the usual readable trait; passing and climbing the smaller hills before the last assualt, had many exhausted already; the final assualt was damn good, a solid steep climb that had many, and including me, gasping for lots of air! I was talking to myself - not to drink too much next time! not to drink too much next time! not to drink too much next time! not to drink too much next time!; after the soldiering on till we reached the 'highway', it was the usual run home on that trail and ended up in the lalang hills and the rubber estate, to come out behind the temple; FROP 1hr30mins and with an exhausted but refreshed me, in another 10mins later.

(Scribe: NoHair)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Run # 368 on 8 Nov-09- Cheras Awana (Bukit Hatamas)

A lucky day and good run.

The whole week was in raining and wet but a Hot and Sunnyday today. A guest carried an umbrella for the run. Really need to get to know her. 她到底是何方神圣?

A number of FIRST TIME GUESTs (FTG) joined. AH MORE has 4 FTG came with him today. His lady boss was one of them. Hope this run will help in his year end bonus.

A remarkable Uncle Lim (FTG) came with "white" long sleeve shirt, nice big sling bag and a flat leather shoe. No HAIR on the spot "on boarding" him the so called  "HASHER ATTIRE".... dirty old shirt, sexy legs, muddy & spiky shoe.

For our HARE. It must have some interesting event happened in the jungle. It seems that GM had set a "FALSIE" to his HARE members. Mau Mau Tan and other co-hare had to set their own trail (following Ah PAK Hill route) as they couldn't find GM in the jungle. GM must have his "good time" with his lover in the jungle.

Today's trail is as usual, climbing high (VERY HIGH) then running down deep (VERY DEEP). The terrain was slippery and wet... some had to climb with "dog style"....."cat walk" on the falling tree....crossing wet and muddy stream/ small river...Certain terrains are similar to last week's Genting Trailblazer terrain. Luckily, no daunting obstacles like muddy pond for us to jump in.

A challenging task to sweepers to take care of the FTG. I heard 2 FTG were in bad condition (almost fainted). With our professional and responsible sweepers, they were safely rescued and recovered quickly. They were managed to return (U-turn) safely with the accompany of our "experience U-turn" runners.

Everyone safely completed the run after 7.15pm.

At the run site, all registered for KH3 1111th celebration run have collected their freebies from No Hair. There are 73 members registered under the name of SH4. A show of good support to our "BROTHER CHAPTER"....KH3... especially to our DIE-HARD friend....Fun Toong...KH3's GM.

----Written by Sai Tan (On-Sec)----
Run #368  8/11/09 - SH4, Bukit Hatamas Cheras

Ahhhhh!!! Me Mrs was back to her short-course class and I had it all to myself!!!

It was a good day, sunny and bright! A slow walk towards the edge of the new terrace houses, we have not been using this in trail for a long time and was over grown; a slight 'brushing' as 'traffic congestion' was the call of the day on a small single file path. slight pushing, back slapping, poking and joking was part of the nothing to do when waiting in line; it was a long climb that seemed endless and the front runners were caught in the second check on top of the highest point on this end; ahem! broken by me on a back check, we were on a large landslide site that happened long ago with no trees for shade, we were baking like biscuits on the steep climb up; it was another long climb till we reached the 'highway' and turned right for the home trail run; some were 'bouncing' like a deer and some were stopping like a dice, some were fast like an 'aunt' and some were shaking their heads in disbelief.... all in all, the FROP finished in 1hr. The last was about another hour later.

(scribe: No Hair)