Latest New 最新消息
Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.
We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.
For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!
For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.
Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON
ON ON!! 时间表
Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!
Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek
Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On
星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康
Monday, April 19, 2010
Run# 390 - Venice Hill
The runs were screwed! The short run buggers couldn’t break the first check and all turned back! The long run buggers finished the run close to 2hr30mins after being led rounds all over the hills and nearly stopped short of the last check that they can’t find for more than 30mins! Finally broken, the front runner and the second were too far behind with the sweepers pooped out too! Hehehe……
The run setters were too confident and confused at the same time….remember when I wrote about setting runs when blah-blah-blah…..”it will eat you alive!” this was what happened yesterday. No one was lost, luckily.
Previously wrote, “forget about this and live to run another day!”….OnOn
这个星期天又是走山天又是Circle(大食会)天,由第三隊GM卖菜仔和毛毛蛋等做hare,非常大方的请吃请喝又送每位团员一件精美的hash T恤,虽然宝珠今天才通过接纳为会员,也得到一件(多谢阿来提议).
今天走蕉赖Venice Hill,四时多到会场已经好多车早到了,見到很多生脸孔的团友,还以为是有做hare有的吃才来,晚上才知道原来是GM等人邀请的其他Hash的朋友,有好几个更是重量級人马.今天人太多了(有百多人吧)大家见面多谈几句,过了五时正老蛋才发覚开跑时间到了,"叭"一声开步走....On On....
Welcome Welcome 来爬山, 欢迎来到Sunday Hash;
Sunday Hash是大家庭, 我们都是好兄妹;
Happy Happy 来坐冰, 大家一起来ON DOWN
Run# 389 - 11/04/10 - BROGA TEMPLE
借问何处有山爬?牧童遥指Sunday Hash!
进山时刻雨纷纷, 路上Hasher欲断气。
借问还有几粒山? Sweeper遥指另一峰。
第一个CHECKING就被Fast Running Bastard(FRB)错误连结到出山的路。大家是往回头路走。
这将是一个挑战。Checking Paper会是在另一端。连接纸将是个问题。FRB找到纸后,必须从前方往后接。当FRB滑下山找到纸后, FRB通常会喊"ON ON" 或"ON CALL" ,然后向前跑。可怜后面的HASHER没纸好接。每个CHCEKING都好像是FALSIE。必须找纸来连结路程。
出山时刻纸空空, 路上Hasher欲断魂。
借问何处有出路? Sweeper遥指石拿督。
11/4/10: SH4 – Broga
Me Mrs was quite excited when Broga run sites are chosen but she always find the Botak Hills opposite the rabbit farm quite ‘attractive’. She hoped that the run was there and as we reached the farm, she saw so many cars around and was ‘jumping’ with joy but ‘canceled’ when the parked cars were not hashers’… we drove on to the temple.
Just before the run start, it rained – heavily and I went a bit later. Seeing the run setters coming out on the left side of the temple slightly after 5:05 and was told that it would be a short ‘2-hilly-thingy’; I caught up with the last pack on the first hill and reached the juncture of the usual home trail after the lalang hills; SaiTan was running down to check if we were on the wrong trail and was heard saying that we are doing the trail ‘this way round’ this time; the whole pack were slogging through the slippery lalang hills, all the way to the trails, the ‘highways’; the front pack were ‘confused’ and thinking there were somewhat-something was amiss – dekcuf! “We are on the reverse!” too far in to back out, the directions were clear on each and every ‘falsie’ (connecting checking paper); some were still in a daze as to what was happening and followed through; slip and slide was also the order of the day and the rain stopped just after the downpour for about ½ hour; the ‘home trail’ in the rubber estate was annoying as the mozzies were swarming everyone; I got back after connecting the paper alone, as the front pack kept gnikcuf running away from the mozzy swarms, in 1hr35mins.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Run #386 - Broga (Orang Asli Settlement)
天一黑,我们差不多是“瞎子摸象”的寻找出路。镜片是越摸就越模糊。雨下个不停, 路是越来越难行, 天是越来越黑...心情也跟着越沉重...路是人走出来的? .如何走?..*&^%$# :()
前程的路途遥远又不明朗; 天寒地冷的处境;疲惫不堪的身体;我已忘了饥饿。幸好,无毛和海龙王有前来相助,万分感激,感恩。不然,我们要更长的时间摸索。回到营地已是晚上十点了。我们已不知不觉中行了五小时的路程。这已有如走了一个BALL BREAKER了。
SH4的热诚友情,互相鼓励,和互相帮助的行山精神,是可喜可敬。 ON!ON!
It rained when we arrived and me Mrs opted to sit it out as there are also a few doing so. It rained even heavier just before the run started.
Usual in trail through the rubber estate hills and the usual ups and downs on the slippery slopes; some good climbs till we reached the newly fenced ‘recreational area’; another climb up the rubber estate hills to enter the start of the climb towards the 1700ft asl hill; some new trails were made but the terrain was not good for when it rains; the slopes were steep and many were caught standing still, looking up and sighing; there wasn’t anymore checks after the 2nd; and just before reaching the top the paper were a little more than half a torn size! Damned! The run setters have not enough paper!; the trail took some drastic turns and seemed like cutting back to where the in trail was, the slopes were unforgiving and the obstacles were truly ‘jungle-ly’; we were negotiating through many stone climbs up and down, crawling beneath huge rocks, fallen huge trees, sorts; the slopes were difficult and to make it worse, the run papers were difficult to spot; we ascended all the way and ended up connecting the home trail to the in trail in the ‘recreational area’! Yes, long way home!; FROP 2hrs, I was back in another 20mins, the front middle pack of 2 came in at 8pm, another bath of 5 at 8:30pm; we waited till almost 9 before the 4 of us went in to look for them; we met a small group after the first long climb and sent them on their way; a bigger group of about 10-12 were not on paper and guided them with calls to get them on paper and sent them on their way; we were then told that the last sweepers were way back behind!; further we went past the ‘recreational area’ to see some lights and found them in the rubber estate hills lost on paper; the few ladies were very, very tired (SKS was tired but he was still cheerie) and a younger girl was reported to be scared by the thoughts of lost in the wild!; after she heard our calls and lights that she calmed down; all were finally back at the run site at 10pm! Congratulated the last batch ‘to have completed a ballbreaker’!
I was exhausted!
Lesson to be learnt/taught:
1) lay run papers properly
2) always check run paper stock before setting the run
3) if paper stock not enough, set a simple trail
4) don't over nap in the afternoon and rush to the run site (it will throw us off balance and 'lost control')
5) don't be 'over confident', it will 'eat you alive'
6) always have a positive thinking and complete the run
7) turn back if your body cannot take the 'torture', you can still build it up
8) drink lots of water (and beer, after the run)
9) bribe the scribe for the 'unwanted things' to be written
10) forget about the whole thing and have a good rest, live to run another day!
On On from Billy No Hair
A sharing from Asst. On-Sec - King Kong
Please find attached articles I read and would like to share with all our Sunday Hashers.
1) St Patrick's Day run organised by Batu HHH. I think the middle guy with moustach and almost drunk looking is Fit Lo. Article is from NST on 26/march 2010 Happy reading!!