Latest New 最新消息
Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.
We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.
For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!
For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.
Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON
ON ON!! 时间表
Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!
Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek
Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On
星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
拆礼物的大日子 Run #426 - Venice Hill (Circle)
当晚Circle时,大家都玩得很放,很开心。第一次罚酒时有性感的酒杯用。Captain安的姐夫不小心留了水瓶在山中被抓获。结果,安代罚坐冰。Sotong在GM on box时,开private party。结果被GM叫来问罪。GM差点放了他。不知他已经是会员了。没想到Sotong是有备而来的。他有穿两件裤。可爱的是他里面的竟是蜡笔小新。哈!
在我onbox时,阿安和海龙王儿子都翘脚而被抓。海龙王和海草被诛九族。Kuantan Kam上星期带太多新人而不能照顾两位新人而交给包尾的咸鸡。结果被告到面子书Facebook上。因他第一次坐冰,我也特地用交长的时间用多种语言讲解带新人要注意的事项。好让他坐得刻骨铭心。带新人要注意的事项是必须穿爬山鞋和旧衣裤。还得陪他们走完。不然,就通知sweeper帮忙照顾。
轮到619时,因第一次ON BOX.。他马上公报私仇请阿Chew坐冰。因阿Chew每次都跑快过他。他也趁机会请first time guests上来介绍自己。场面一时非常乱但个个都很爽和开心。GM也以此理由罚619。619大呼超爽!下次要轮流交给其他理事上来主持。较新鲜!
发烂渣一上台就马上发烂渣。因大声公和恐龙叫了一声,"女杀手!"。他们马上被干了,都被请上来坐冰。此时,Fit Lo打了通电话来。朱肠粉也把电话交给on box的FLZ。结果两人都被GM罚坐冰。
Monday, December 13, 2010
Is Jalan Langat same as ArgoTech? (#424 AgroTech, Hulu Langat)
I had received many calls for direction and some complaints on "Why was it so difficult to label "AgroTech"?" Come on......Not my fault...I am the victim too. I even drove to "hanging bridge" to confirm that the run site has changed. Then, rushed to seach for the run site along Jalan Langat...till I saw a SH4 sign hanging near the Hulu Langat Batu14 traffic light...then only I had the confident that the run site could be at Agrotech.
LauTan was on boarding at the international sea. Some calls even reached him during his vacation. Nothing that he can do either. By the way, SH4 members may have to re-train on following signboard.
While reaching the run site, there were plenty of cars on the car park. It created some puzzle to us. "Are we at the right place?" Further checking, there was a local function at the resort nearby. To avoid blocking their cars, we managed to park our cars further at another wider land.
ON ON was 10 minutes late as to wait for those who had lost or missed the way to this run site.
The initial journey was along the river and a man made tar road. Then, we started to climb up hill. After 45 minutes, I had managed to "pursue" a few first timers to return as they were not in proper attire. The first hill was manageable but not the 2nd hill. The trail was seems only moving up hill. There were many occasion that we thought that we would reach the peak after a turn. Unfortunately, when we reached the "peak", there was always another PEAK awaiting. It was so depressed and getting so tough to continue the journey. Ah Fah and Chan Sir were stucked at this stage. Five sweepers (Ko Pau Chon, Red Dragon, Buffalo, Ah Kam & me) were with them to support and encourage them.
When we reached the peak (426M as of my watch. 300M high from run site), the feeling was great! Ah Gao already awaiting Ah Fah…such a lovely couple… The scenery from top was fantastic and beautiful. After a few shots, we rushed down as the day is getting dark. We reached run site safely at 7.30pm.
The most special of this run is that ALL SHOES WOULD BE IN WET. Everyone had to crossing a shallow stream on the way out….No way to escape.
Salty Chicken had improved this round as he was not out with sweepers. Even when GM called to check the result, his first check was “How was Salty Chicken?” GM also found that 2nd hill did gave him some challenge. He didn't realise it was so high. Salty Chicken was so happy and started to "bluffing"others.
Suddenly, there was a birthday song from behind. Ball Ball carried a birthday cake with candles slight. Oh! Today is Ng Gee Seng’s birthday. We had some birthday songs for him. He has also received many wishes from SH4 hashers.
Another friendship runs from SH4. ON! ON!
*** SaiTan***
Monday, December 6, 2010
不听老人言,吃亏在眼前. (RUN #423 - 05/12/10 - Venice Hill)
Venice Hill的RUNSITE是一个非常有挑战的山。里面山多,河水多,小溪多以及HASH纸多。路程可短也可很长。下雨后的山路也特别烂和湿。不容易行山。
坦白说,这次GM SET的山路特别适合这班“可怕又很快的SH4 runners”。保证他们够喉!不信去问FitLou, SuperOldMan或朱肠粉。当他们感到够喉时也就是新人或慢者的灾难。这次我陪咸鸡就用2小时10分才出得来。
山是不高,最多是150公尺左右。但是, 上山下山就无数次。过河或小溪多到我们都数不清。LAUTAN多通电话告知他们已经过了3条河。听之好像很近出口, 但又好像在很远哦!
从他们下山的速度,我开始担心要多一粒钟才能出山。水一到口,马上喝的清光。可以见得他们是多么的饥渴。其中一位有腰伤的朋友,带伤来行山。(太危险了。下次千万别把命当儿戏!)他也跌了2次,旧病复发而不便以行。一路幸好有SH4的3位sweeper (LauTan, Ben Kok & Red Dragon)又拉又扶又推才能到这里。非常辛苦。还好,sweeper没因不听劝告而有放弃他们。坦白说,SH4的sweeper都非常专业和理智,他们都很好心肠!
最后大家互相勉励和安慰后就各自回程。FitLo他们也趁此时赶去吃他们的"龙虾大餐"。这一餐应该会吃的特别有味道了。ON! ON!
最后奉劝大家要听SH4 SWEEPER言,不听SWEEPER言,吃亏在眼前。
Sunday, December 5, 2010
WET WILD WET RUN: Run #422 - Vilaraya Industrial Park (CIRCLE)
It was also a challenge to me. I had fallen and slipped for so many times that I almost wanted to join the returning crowd. When I saw 'YaoDYeah" struggling nearby me, I couldn't help as we were facing the same difficulty. I managed to "conquer" this hill with lot's of cuts and pains.
The following of our journey was consider smooth as we had just overcame the "Challenge of the day". The rest of the trail would be just a piece of cake. Salty Chicken again joined the sweeper team. As a matter for rejoicing, he had managed to climb up the first hill.
We reached the run site before dark. The crowd had already enjoying their dinner from Group 9. This time, we had "Indian Cuisine". As of raining, they even managed to get the shop owner permission to set the food stands inside the shop lot. Quite a diffferent experience and we were all very enjoying with the hot and spicy Indian cuisine. Salty Chicken also bought 5 chicken for SH4 as dessert. We somehow shown the chicken one by one at different time to create the "eating" atmosphere. The salt baked chicken was "pulled and plucked" and gone in flash seconds.
Believe it or not! Rain stopped when we started our CIRCLE. It was a full of funs, laughs and entertainment night. Even it reached 9pm, there was no sign of late from the hashers.