Latest New 最新消息
Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.
We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.
For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!
For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.
Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON
ON ON!! 时间表
Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!
Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek
Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On
星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
星期天捷兔会九周年纪念@夏威夷之夜 (01。10。11)
当晚,只可惜身体不适而不能尽情欢乐。幸好,一班SH4壮男和SH4天使们都能自动自发的带动全场。整个场面充满活力,笑声,和欢乐。看到全场的男士们穿上亮白和青翠夏威夷衬衫,非常雄姿英发。众美女的浅蓝沙笼和天使们青翠的沙笼配搭,令人有如在夏威夷海滩欣赏美景。连带病的我都精神为之一振! 如此良辰美景,难得,难得!
当晚七时半,我们准时开席。好像只有HASH才能如此准时。虽然当时还有许多空位,还是大胆的开完62席。最后, 决定正确。桌无虚席。
由我出场介绍SH4 和搞ICE Breaker时出了些状况。 脑子不听使命再加上舞池把人群拉远了,很难和大家沟通。在舞台上如不能拉近人群时,通常都会语无伦次。最后草草收场。
FUNTONG也顺理的完成ONDOWN INVITED GM 和颁发SH4Service Award。GM们的花串是由FLZ尽心特别设计。很有夏威夷的味道。
接下来节目全权由路痴负责。他也大露身手,把场面炒的大热。我也趁此机会休息。几位好友见我背后酸痛为我Massage。减轻了痛处。很荣幸的在多处招待Hashers时也受到同样的护理。SH4 充满人情味!
由SH4天使们表演夏威夷舞, Tu Tuki。一班平时是"Auntie",今晚个个却花姿招展,非常亮丽。不愧SH4女将。欣瑜编舞的功力又更进一步了!
节目继续由路痴主持。一直到抽出2架32寸和42寸LCD TV时最高峰。看到河马冲上台一直跳和接受祝贺的拥抱。我也感染到她的欢乐!MantinHash的 Animal King以胜利者的姿势迎接这42寸LCD TV大礼物。看到幸运者的欢乐, 我们的大手笔在幸运奖是值得的。
进入Disco时光时,大家已进入了疯狂的夏威夷之夜。我也趁此时清理场地。剩下很多酒。花了很长的时间搬运到我家。幸好, 有路痴, 肥福们和NoHair到来帮助。
许多人只看到晚会的欢乐和成功。但是,他们是见不到晚会前的种种准备工作和善后的"可怕"工作量。往往散会后, 人影已不见几人了。此时, 身体已疲惫不堪了。每次这时侯我都告诉自己,这是最后一场了!
整体来说,星期天捷兔会九周年纪念@夏威夷之夜相当成功。全场爆满。节目丰富多彩又顺利进行。团队工作精神很好。满场的喜笑颜开。SH4的宴会又达到一个新的水平!ON! ON!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Offroad Charity Ride/ Hash - Funding Event to Persatuan Kanak-kanak Istimewa Hulu Langat (PKKI)
Date: 18 September 2011
Time: 8 am (Registration)
9 am (Hash run!) & 8 am (MTB Cyclists)
Run Site: BIKE CORNER CYCLE (Follow PKKI signboard)
42-G, Jalan Temenggung 19/9,
Bandar Mahkota Cheras.
Registration for Hash Run: FREE
(Runners just sign in and sign out before and after the run)
Charity Method: Drop your "KINDNESS in CASH" into a Donation box.
(We will all witness the total donation in the end of the event.
Simple Hashing Rules:
* Sign IN and sign OUT.
* Take nothing but lot's of photography. Leave nothing but your foot prints.
* Have your breakfast early.
* Bring your own clothing for change.
* Bring sufficient water (at least ONE 600 ml mineral water)
* Follow SWEEPERS guidance & instruction. Check with them if facing issue.
* If not feeling well, please don't run or don't complete the run. Inform SWEEPERS!
* When on the road, be careful of the road traffic. SAFETY FIRST!
* RUN with happy, fun, relax, friendship & healthy condition.
Organiser - Steve Chee (012-370 4435) or Michael Ooi (010-7952778) or Ben Chan (013-388 7218
SH4 - InterHash Sec (016-2508161) or On-Sec (012-663 8031)
All Hashers, friends, family members and public are invited to this charity event. The more the merrier for such a meaningful charity event on a Sunday morning. ON! ON!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Run #462 04/09/11 Venice Hill
OMG! I quickly rush for another rescue and HaiLongWong stayed to take care of Uncle 6. It was DINO who was fainted while rest on a tree. He was lucky as a new runner managed to hold him from collapsing. I managed to support him to remain standing and supported by a tree. It was easier to rescue under this condition and also he was still conscious. After a few massages, he managed to thrown out the air. (I recalled LauTan told me, this air is normally very smelly. I managed to avoid facing him.) A few sweepers joint and provided some helps too. We were lucky this time as many of us were around to help them.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Run #459 七月! 惊魂夜!
一路上风景优美。不自觉的拿起相机猛拍。才上到半山, 山下就有人喊我名字。被告知有人感到不舒服,要晕了。连忙冲下山。他可能上得较快, 一时不能适应。他告知眼前黑黑。马上为他太阳穴涂抹“上标油膏"。慢慢推拿。当他已能站得住后,我让他回返。
再爬一段路,就听到前方队友在"CHECKING”,有点乱。好像左边和前方都有人喊"ON! ON!“。一时不知要跟谁。后来, 见到路痴拿着POM POM说前方是回程路。(正如我所料,快跑猛将是当不成SWEEPER的。这么快就交棒给路痴了。)
我们就在此处阻止新人和小孩进山。这山路太滑了,不适合他们。我们继续前进。一路往上爬。不久就下山。下得很深。有点担心会天黑才能出山。由于是新路, 下山路很滑很难下。几位新手就手忙脚乱了。一步一脚印的下山。
前方好像听见他们在找出路。我们马上慢行帮忙寻找其他出路。只见左手边也有纸。走了50米还是有纸和脚印。不过, 他们又叫我回来。可能是“FALSIE”。回到刚才的分叉路时, 前方才告知他们的路程才是FALSIE。早前的队伍应该是没有清理好记号纸。我们这班就得自己分辨正确的路程。(SH4在CHECKING的处理还不很成熟。我们这班SWEEPER已见多不怪了。)
想一想今晚是七月十五。鬼门才昨天大开,不要搞笑。还是趁天黑前出山为佳。有点胡思乱想。突然,有东西袭击我右耳。SHERRRR!听到撕裂的声音。不妙了, 右耳好像被拉后。然后,感觉到有块肉飞掉了。我的妈呀!我耳朵还在吗?摸一摸, 幸好还在。不过,手一片涩涩。用毛巾摸耳朵。只见一大片的血迹。手已在抖了。人也慌作一团。连忙叫后头的路痴来帮忙。我有带胶布。叫他帮我扑上。感觉中,他的手也在抖,应该是伤得很重吧!此时也不能担忧太多。出山后才打算。忍着痛,继续前进。
终于见到黄泥路 。已是7.50pm了。LAUTAN也在此时来电。报告了我们都安全出山。不敢告诉他我已受伤。以他的性格,他一定会冲进来。这里离RUNSITE应该有一公里路程。不过都是黄泥路。下了雨后,非常难行走。没两步,鞋底就有一层泥粘底。加重了鞋子,不良以行。一边走一边去掉泥。这样下山, 几时才能到?
不久.一位队员就开始脚要抽筋了。“上标油膏"马上又派上用场。没几下, 他脚又要抽筋了。再涂抹些“上标油膏"。一路上是又涂又走。我还笑他, 是不是上瘾了。又要涂上这"白粉"了。山下已有人打讯号。我也连忙打红灯。
差不多到达RUNSITE,海龙王已带了一罐100PLUS。此时才感到口渴。三人一起分享。前方已有一位队友抽筋了。LAUTAN已在给他推拿。可可也驾车下来载他回RUNSITE。SH4 的Run是充满人情味!
一到RUNSITE,一大班队友给予我们热烈的鼓励掌声。冬瓜女马上为我们准备晚饭。非常感激她的照顾。路痴已饿扁了。在榴梿芭时,他已被榴梿香弄饿了。我没有口味。吃到一半,才想起我右耳已受伤。 连忙叫LAUTAN看看伤势。他为我涂上药膏。
Monday, July 18, 2011
SH4 Run#455 炎阳天, 阳豆腐, 榴槤, CIRCLE
由第六组请吃。一头烧羊, 阳豆腐,2箩的榴槤,别有一番风味! 个个吃得津津有味。这就是SH4的特别之处。
在酷热的天气下, 男的赤裸上身, 女的头绑布条。一大众人浩浩荡荡 的入山。JOHNSON不知何故,跌入沟渠,擦伤全身。行山精神抖擞,照样进山。
一路上我们是往山谷下再来个上山。第一粒就给大家一个大挑战。连我都感到非常吃力。我好像是越快越差了。半途遇见HAPPY HASH的团员。大家也已成熟了。互相打招呼和勉励。HASH精神可佳! ON ON!
眼见河马就在眼前, 嘴唇苍白。一下子,嘴唇突然全白。不好了! 马上冲前抢救。才推拿她的太阳穴,她就昏倒了不。幸好,我右脚已准备好,刚好能支撐着她。叫身边的HASHER拿风油来帮忙。好像没有人理我。不是吓倒了吧!
她已不省人事。眼白暴露,嘴巴紧缩。再下去就会失去呼吸能力。连忙把她嘴弄张大开。糖嫂提醒小心手指。担心会咬伤我。拍她双脸面额让她有知觉。就在抢救时,一手从右边传来。手上沾了一些药膏推她的太阳穴。马上见效。河马脸色渐渐转红。原来是HAPPY HASH的阿龙拔刀相助。特别感谢他的友谊之手。HASH精神可佳! ON ON!
休息一回后,NO HAIR带我们朝短路出山。下到山底, 回头见到一大众人已从中间的短路出山。回到RunSite, 我也忙着算九周年的票。还有很多组没交上报告。
晚上的CIRCLE如往常般有笑有闹! FIT Lo也为两位新人取名。老二的Hash name为 TAOKEE(婴儿的意思)Chan Yik Fai的Hash name为AC Man。这是SH4的明名仪式。他们免不了祸水之灾。给众Hasher淋得 湿透透!他们第一次坐冰。好像非常痛苦。坐多几次就没事了。
夜晚了,大家都尽兴而归。ON ON!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Run 454 Jalan Kacau
第一粒山就见到电缆。一路往前走。看情形会是很长的路程。一路上有几位想放弃但最后还是继续前进。有听到车声但不像出山的路。感觉行了很深。幸好路程虽长远但不是很高。最高为300M (RUNSITE是120M)应该问题不大。

LauTan在进山前,有发放讯息有关马大嫂的壮举。她在新加玻的SUNDOWN MARATHON在15小时11分钟完成100公里的马拉松。排名是13。听好是100公里。听到我都怕! 马拉松是42.175公里。这是跑了两次多马拉松。非常有挑战和超人的毅力。以她的年纪,这是非常难地的。恭喜她顺利完成! ON!ON!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Run #453 Sg Long
I continue the journey as saw her face was no in pale. Just after I climbed up the steepest climb of the day, RedDragon shouted that she was almost fainted. As LauTan approached, I stayed and wait. After a few minutes, she managed to continue the run. Luckily, with some helps, she managed to climb-up the steep climb. After that, the rest of the journey was just easy. Soon, we reached the open place. Then she could run so fast that she just lost in my eye sight.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Run #451 CIRCLE @ Broga (Group 5) + Father Day celebration
A special day at special run site with special group of hashers from SH4!! On On!
特别的日子给特别的你, SH4!
Finally, it is our (Group 5) turn to be the HARE for this month's CIRCLE. For this special occasion, we have chosen this special day@ father Day; Special run site @ ManManLai's fish pond; Special date of 619 with 619's 18th wedding anniversary. So many special occasions to run. Quite a busy day on this CIRCLE. Of course, it was a SUCCESSFUL CIRCLE. ON ON!
Four first time guests joined us with 3 young and pretty ladies. Unfortunately, I was too busy and lost this golden opportunity to be a sweeper to take care of them. But, please don't be worry as they had their own body guards"护花使者".
The run started sharp at 5pm! A big crowd of 100++ hashers matched toward the jungle specially set or lay by our GM's gangs. NgCheeSeng & ChaoWai8 representing Group 5 to help in setting the run. After the crowd leaving the run site, we started to prepare the foods and drinks for their returns.
6pm had already passing! Still no one returning to Run Site. What's happening? Checked with GM on their route condition. Just 2 checks only!! Must be the tricky "Falsie" set by NCS and CW8. First FROP arrived at 6.20pm...then the crowd slowly return. By 7pm++, sweepers and all runners returned safely.
At the start of the CIRCLE, we had a "minute of silent" for our good friend, BengKok.
BengKok, rest in peace.
Bengkok,你一路走好, 安息吧!
CIRCLE back to normal with GM invited all HARES for an ON DOWN. Then, everyone approached to shake hand with HARE to thanks for their FREE FOODS & FREE DRINKS.
JM, FitLo was next ON BOX. FitLo was very unhappy with many members didn't MARK IN AND MARK OUT. He took the log book with his special marks made earlier. He then following this mark to call them one by one for the "punishment". He had taken away my SPECIAL TITLE of " FAIREST PERSON in HASH" or " 好烂公平". He had made GM on iced for not singing our SH4 song and also by calling FitSo on ICED plus 1 carton of beers for our Hawaiian Nite. Hooray FitLo! FitLo 万税!
APA, HoiLongWong海龙王和HoiCho海草were also on iced for their late arriving to the run site and forgotten to MARK-IN and MARK-OUT.
Then this Salty Chicken wrongly pointed FitSowas not wearing Hash shirt during CIRCLE. He was either need additional spectacle or he must be looking at wrong area for hash symbol. It happened this Hash shirt with logo at the bottom of her shirt. The consequence was Salty Chicken on ICED. He slept on ice box. Again, both HoiLongWong & Salty Chicken were caught on littering cigarette butts at run site. Another ICED moment for them.
During my turn on box, I had a baptized session for our 5 new members; Fatty Fook肥福, 傻友 SoYow, 阿米AhMai, 摩托仔Motor Zai &造完松ChewYunSoon. Quite a long time not performing baptize, so a bit messy here. LauTan took the lead to baptize them. At the end of the baptize, 619 gave them the REAL 洗礼..He pour a bucket of water on them for a thoroughly wet baptist. From now on, they are PERFECT HASHER . Wishing them a healthy and happy hashing. No running problem, no drink problem and welcome to the hashing community.
I took the opportunity to introduce a new member, Lim Ah Wah @爽爽落Song Song Lock from Gourp 2. Square Head四方头got caught for crossing leg. He was put on iced on the spot.
Mountain Goat took the BOX to provide the status update on our Hawaiian Nite. The good news is the seats were FULLY TAKEN...FULL HOUSE!! Registration is CLOSED. All late registration will be in "waiting list". For the rough calculation, we already have 56 tables taken.... extra 6 tables from original plan of 50 tables. MG took the opportunity to thanks his team YaoDyeah, GouChew and followme for their time and effort to have this great result. Another record for SH4...Full House in 3.5 months before the celebration day. They are the BEST SALES PERSON in HASH COMMUNITY! ON ON!
When GM on BOX, Salty Chicken again got caught of crossing leg. 3rd time on ice for the day. GM also announced that all ladies are allowed for "crossing leg" during CIRCLE from today onward. As of him, lady's with crossing legs has the BEST LOOK or BEST POSE. Btw, I am just wondering what is his mind when looking at lady crossing leg. he is looking which part of the POSE?
Written until here, the day is VERY LATE now. I have to stop here. I will continue with Father Day celebration story .....
Good night and ON ON!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
CIRCLE - 圆席仪式
It is import to have CIRCLE in organised hash run. Normally, the ceremony will take place after sweeper and last running bastards (LRB) safely returned to run site with enough rest and change time. It is normally plan for 1 hour or more or less. It can be very WILD, FUN and AMUSEMENT where it vary among chapters.
WHY CIRCLE is important?
* To enhance social networking among the hashers after run.
* To educate or knowledge sharing about Hash Run.
* To communicate with members on Chapter's progress or new information sharing.
* For awarding DOWN-DOWNS either for celebration, thanks or punishments.
* For free foods, free drinks and happiness/ friendship (in SH4).
* Last but not least, HAVE FUN, HAPPY, LAUGH & FRIENDSHIP!!
From now on, please respect the CIRCLE. If you are rushing for another important appointment, please inform GM, JM or OnSec early before the CIRCLE in session. If you have last min. urgent matter to handle, please raise your hand and seek for the permission to leave the CIRCLE. Leave the place quietly and minimise your disturbing to others.
Let's practicing this etiquette.
Looking forward for a better CIRCLE in coming runs. ON! ON!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
SH4的一位会员(会员号码:#128) BengKok @Tiew Beng Kon非常不幸的在附近的山处因意外身亡于山中。在此愿他一路走好..安息。希望他家人能节哀顺变。呜呼哀哉!
Sad to inform that our SH4 member #128 BengKok @Tiew Beng Kong has just passed away during a hash run tonight. We has just lost a good friend in our hashing community.
Our deepest condolence to his family. May his soul rest in peace.
治丧处 home address:
2/23, Jalan Udang Kertas, Taman Sri Segambut, KL.
在开会时,接到Buffalo的来电。他一开始就叫我留心,有个坏消息要通知我。心马上冷了一半。他问我认识BENG KOK吗?他刚刚在山中意外身亡。怎么又一件不幸的事件又发生了!心情很不好。接下来,有地嘢FitLo都陆续来电通知。心情也更加乱。
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Technical Issue Update
Currently trying with different methods to recover this blog.
So far, I managed to make some changes/ update via Safari. But, as of Apple product, there are some limitations with Safari.
Just trying with Google Chrome, hopefully can see some better result.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Run#447 - 22/05/11 - Bandar Technology Kajang
Monday, May 16, 2011
#446 Sg Long
ON! ON! |
Happy faces as journey just begins! |
Step by step following queue down! |
First Challenge! |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Run #445 Mother Day Run



FitLo as usual take the "MIDNIGHT GM" role to start a mini-circle. For the start, he invited ALL MOTHERS for a ON DOWN. We wished all of them a "Happy Mother Day, Good health & Always Beatiful." Then, he invited the organiser, ChuCheongFun, for a ON DOWN as he had gathered all of us for this wonderful celebration. then, those who had helped to prepare the foods and drinks were also called for a ON DOWN.
Next, we moved to more serious, sense, personal and touchy moment. FitLo randomly invited some mothers for some personal speech.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Run# 444 - 01/05/11 - Broga
一进山就面对大挑战 - 过独木桥。高过人头。跌下去是很伤的。不过,难不到SH4。个个都勇往直前。有几位需要帮忙拉才顺利过关。最后几位经验不足。只好叫他们下深沟再爬上来。
接下来的路程是一路往上爬。山路非常斜。天气又热又没有风。有几位已经顶不住了。那位新人已坐在太阳底下。连移动都没力了。刚好有2人要回返。就由她们伴她出山。眼见她满脸通红。晕是不会的。但是,听说她呕吐了一阵。第一次是这样子的。呕吐了或晕过了后, 你就毕业了。大多数HASHERS的经验。
再上山不久,又有3人要回返。个个已叫苦连天。我们SWEEPERS继续前进。突然, 一班整7-8位HASHERS 要回返。他们感觉今天路程会很远而放弃了。我告诉他们这儿离山顶不远了。都已经是350公尺高了。不过,前几个RUN都很长, 他们还是没有信心。
此时,前方的队伍已走了很远。看样子SWEEPERS 是自己顾自己了。不过,到了山顶(390公尺)又遇见几位HASHERS。好像很累了。不过,路程是转向左边。平常是由右边出山。一时担心GM是不是又"发疯"了。不好再有挑战了,已不行了。一边走一边埋怨怎么今天又要摸黑出山。这将是第四次了......!@#$%^&*().....已胡言乱语了.........
走着走着。咦!好现象。一路是往左转又往下走。应该是往"慢慢来"的鱼塘处出山。心情顿时开朗多了。有点不好意思刚才在埋怨GM。行山是这样的。在山里骂到乱,埋怨set run不会开路等等。但是,出来后是, “GOOD RUN! Good Run!" HASHER的阿Q精神。别见怪!
一大班hashers都在附近的餐馆用餐。我也赶快回家和家人用餐。回程中, 原来加影已下了一场倾傍大雨。今天,我们是很幸运的了。 ON! ON!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Run #443 - 24/04/11 - Hulu Langat ArgoTek
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Run #442 Bukit Hatamas (Circle organised by Group 3)
Hence, our circle started late too. JM, Fit Lo on-boxed to ON DOWN our hares for the wonderful dinner and run served.
I took the opportunity to give a refresher to hashers on "What is CHECKING?" Lengthy of time spent to annouce our 9th Anniversary @ Hawaiian Nite. All committee members were introduced and their R&R were also briefed. The response from hashers was great and hot!
InterhashSec, Mountain Goat shared all the incoming runs and celebrations from other chapters. All regitration can be done with him. A series of RUNS are in the HASH pipeline. Run till you broke.
JM, Fit Lo took the last on-box opportunity to call for sponsorship for our Hawaiian Nite. As the night was already late, many hashers have left the run site. Those who stayed were really "DIE HARD FANS". We managed to collect another RM4000 sponsporship. Till now, we had about RM26K of sponsorship. The journey has just started. Long time to do the roadshow. We will approach EVERY MEMBERS for their sponsorship. So MEMBERS, get your purse ready!! 多多益善!!
It is very encouraging to organise our 9th anniversary celebration with this level of support at the begining. We have 5 months for the planning. I am quite confident that we can deliver a great Hawaiian Nite on 1 Oct-11. ON! ON!
Thank you every HASHERS forr your SUPPORT. ON! ON!