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Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mt Kinabalu (The World's Highest VIA FERATA)

Breathtaking.....Unforgattable....A great place to unwind and hangout....VIA FERRATA

A group of 8 of us tried this GUNNESS WORLD RECORDS Mountain TORQ.....ASIA's first via ferrata...on 29 Apr 2010 on Mt Kinabalu.

An adventurous climb (walk?) which caused me sleepless nights. We even gave-up the Summit Trail to reserve our energy for this "VIRGIN IRON WALK". The decision was the BEST made as it took us 4 hours to complete this 1.2km journey. Seems easy but yet tough and long hours needed. (Tip: prepare some energy bars or energy gals.)

Of course by now, 8 of us can proudly saying..."it is a piece of cake... ON! ON!" But the test of nerve and exhilarating adventure is a MUST TRY!!

We have chosen the longer trail: "Low's Peak Circuit - height of 3776M". The reason was we may not dare to try it for 2nd time. Hence, let's face the MOST DIFFICULT one first. A typical traditional Chinese's "Ah Q" mindset. Anyway, we just do it and we made it!!

The safety is superb and the trainer is PRO. You don't have to worry as long as you are following the rules as trained by the PROs.

As of our experience, ALL SH4 hashers can MAKE IT!!
So, have a few runs with SH4 before trying Via Ferrata.

我们一班烂兄RUN妹再次闯新挑战。大概是年纪大了后的自然反应。这次的神山行选择了参于VIA FARRATA。有畏高症的我,担心了好多天,也多次失眠。不过又抵挡不了这攀延于山壁中的刺激。敢敢去!想想有这班烂兄RUN妹相随和鼓励,我们一定能完成任务。团队精神万岁!

这是有世界记录的攀延于山壁中的铁梯级活动(最高)。也是亚洲纪录,第一个Via Ferrata。我们选择了Low's Peak Circuit。从海拔3776公尺处起点。全长是1.2公里。我们用了4小时完成。响当吃力。必须保持体力。准备些energy bars。


于我的看法,以SH4会员的体能,你们都可以完成任务。不过在参加前,记得先来SH4训练训练!ON! ON!

Leader 领队:

619, "Great to be the 'Leader' I have more photos being taken.. hehe.".

捞一块, "做领队是最爽的。拍照时,我是最先拍也是最后。张张照片都有我份。嘻嘻!

...He gained a lot of advantage with his long legs...via faratta is designed for foreigner not Asian...Sai Tan is a victim.

长腿的619大占优势。via faratta是设计给鬼佬的。细腿的细蛋遭殃了不。

2nd position

FattLanZa发烂渣, "errrrr...I don't like to be follower....they just took the shots for LEADER only...the camera is mine."


....Imagine, she "fattlanza" at above 3776m....this is our most dangerous moment...not via faratta...

发烂渣在3776公尺高山壁时"发难",这是我们最惊骇的时刻!比via farrata更惊险......

3rd position

Chow Wai Pat 周围八, "I am so scary, so scary....but yet I am very enjoy."

周围八, "我初初是有点怕。过后是越爬越爽。后面,一点都不惊险了。(吹水)”
....He was nervous in the beginning...but after he has overcome the fear....he was then FAST and FURIOUS..
....He even tried to shortcut the safety procedure....not hooking the rope for many occasions...
...SaiTan sweating behind him as 'You FALL, I FALL." They are tied to each others on rope.

周围八是越爬就越大胆。甚至放宽安全措施。后面的细蛋在标冷汗。如有什么不慎,大家是一起DOWN, DOWN, DOWN,

4th position

Sai Tan细蛋, "Surprisingly, I am not that "sai tan" as what I thought..."


......The beautiful scenaries underneath has diverted his attention from fear.
....He is also the cameraman for this group. But, not many photos from him...???


HERE COME THE FUNS.....我们的经历。。。
  Journey begin from here!! 探险之旅现在开始!!

"Don't look at your left!!"

 Walk it down..down..down...down...                                 Checking!!
SH4 stunts!!                                                                      Falsie!! (3 cable bridge)

Back check (2 cable bridge)                                                For SH4!!!

More details from 2nd group (Ball2, Road Blur, Rich & Suzzen) will be shared later.
More photos will be uploaded into SH4 photo gallery later.
更多的照片将存入SH4 photo gallery。

***SAI TAN细蛋***


  1. Fatt Lan Za一直在"发烂渣"因為 trainer的相机一直沒有拍她而拍我,她就很不爽,想像一下在3776公尺高空"发烂渣"有多恐怖,不過我就很爽.song ah,哈哈!!!!!

  2. 本月16日四脚蛇(琦哥)再次爬神山,明年有机会一定要去走一次via ferata索道,on on!

  3. Hai,我发烂楂都有一段日子没有在sh4 blog留言了.不是懒是没时间.
    说到K.K trip.我们共8条友不知天高地厚就摇摇摆摆上神山去还玩了一种叫攀崖的游戏.这也是我们再次的突破自已.Ye!烂兄Run妹我们做到了!!!!
    攀崖 - 从高峰往下看大概是160-180的斜度.开始时会有少许脚软,但由于我们的手一直要换那2个狗扣( open - clip - open - clip)也没时间去想我们身处有多高多斜了.这时不是脚软反而是换扣换到手软.
    我在这里有少许Tips给那些要去试一试的山友,那就是要像619那样用了6个星期又19日的时间每天晚上做61 - 69次的"PUM PING"那就保你没问题了.真的要玩这个体力不用少.
    OK我们4个(619 , 我, 周围8, Sai Tan和guard开始了. 一路行手就一直Open - Clip - Open - clip忽然听到后面的叫唤:- leader-leader nanti u tunggu sana ye, i mahu angat best view punya gambar pada u."ZI Zha"拍了一张leader的照.(第一个彩给他一个人拿了).没关系我们又开始open - clip - open. clp, 等下又听到后面的叫唤:- leader-leader nanti u tunggu sana ye, i mahu angat best view punya gambar pada u."ZI Zha"又拍了一张leader的照.(第2个彩又是他).走下走下又在后面传来leader-leader nanti u tunggu sana ye, i mahu angat best view punya gambar pada u.哗!!这时我不管山有多高多斜我的名可以用上场了.发了个烂楂最后我才有得上镜.不然Guard更本当我们后面的透明,只拍leader.
    还好我还有一位camera men在后面那就是"Sai Tan"了.Thanks paby.
    不知不觉open - clip -open - clip我们也下到半山了.任务完成!!!谢谢我们这8个烂兄run妹.大家在你踏我一脚,我踩你一下的互相鼓励之下完成这个愉快的旅程.
