Latest New 最新消息


Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Saturday, October 30, 2010

SH4 Appreciation Dinner 慰劳宴


一共开了七围台。个个都有在我们非常成功的八周年纪念庆祝会有出汗出力。主办当局特别大方。请了八菜一汤。有 “SH4佛跳墙" (紫菜汤),“香炒九天翅" (芙容蛋),“金炖鲍鱼片" (样豆腐),”红烧龙坍" (金凤鱼),等等在加上“粒粒香的白饭"。一听就令人垂唌。个个吃的“特别”开怀。


OC之一的FIT LO也有上台感谢大家的帮忙和协助。特别感谢路痴的精彩节目。所有出席者都站立一起敬酒。明年再接再厉!

接下来,FLZ也把新任理事都请上台。每人都分配到一件BROOKS蓝衣。个个穿上后有如"蓝衣天使",不对"蓝衣战士”。不过有人且说像“孝孙"。FIT LO提醒理事们穿上后一定要为SH4赴汤蹈火,鞠躬尽瘁。当晚也另选了三位新理事...杯杯落,歌王和BALL BALL。

山羊第一次以INTERHASH SEC身份为我们介绍了近期的几个重要HASH RUN。希望大家踊跃报名。
FITLO再次上台邀请当天生日的歌王嫂..姓"香"的香香公主。同时也邀请所有十月生日者上台。SUPER FOO告之他是明天才生日。FIT LO趁此机会邀他请大家。他一口答应。FIT LO又要他请一只烧猪,他也爽快答应。FIT LO又使出他募款的本色,又邀到其他人都又捐酒又捐食物。结果,这星期日会有多一次大食会。东西多到能请二百人。

过后, KARAOKE 和DISCO HOURS一起进行。欢乐满堂。个个都尽兴而归。


1 comment:

  1. First photo cannot be loaded fully, maybe file too big.
