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Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Saturday, January 30, 2010

No Running Problem, No Drinking Problem, No Causing Problem - No Hair

24 January 2010
SH4, Venice Hills

Ahhh……..another week passed silently while I was occupied with work commitments. Hashing, to me now, is like a special delicacy – can only be had once in a awhile. Like the Damansara H3’s anniversary do on Saturday, I could only managed to reach the run site at about 8:30pm! With most food has been eaten up and many were already ‘not themselves’ by the time I said hello. How I crave to get a good run.

The day’s run was kind of easy as a circle would be held. Though I passed the run site at 4:30pm to collect the ‘king’s seat’, I still reached the run site at 5pm sharp and started the run 10mins later. Me Mrs was ‘lazy’ again when she saw some ladies standing around not in running attire, also the last encounter with some ‘friendlies’ here had put her off.

Running from the back, I managed to catch up with the back pack soon enough and passing the middle pack before the half way point while doing the only killer climb of the day. The climb was fantastic and it was my chance to catch up with many. Usual ‘poking around’ the ‘leaning statues’ and the ‘ground gazers’, we had some lighter moments to soften the ‘hard climb’. It was very soon that we at the top and was heading east downhill to a steep valley. Checking was heard and soon enough the check was broken on the opposite hill by walking along a small creek. While downhill, ‘KK’ was in the way and without warning of ‘springs’, each and every small tree of twigs he held were springing back at me. He shared some light moments causing some ‘slow moving traffic’. Alas, we were on another steep climb that was not long and reached the top to see that we were on the home trail. Running on the home trail was quite a sweater as we pushed faster forward. We were back in 5:55pm. Food was served and beers were drunk, we left around 11pm while the circle ended much earlier at 8:30pm!


17 January 2010

SH4 run in Broga

Many would be smiling in delight if this area's run site have been chosen, some would snarl with fear. All in all, it's a good place to run in - with good climbs and good home trails that could be stretched kilometers. So, the day's run was at the back of the temple after the famous BBQ fish restaurant and on the piece of empty land. The weather was great with the sun slightly shadowed by some clouds and the crowd was good.

Me Mrs was speculating where the run site would be when driving towards Broga and was hoping the Rabbit Farm but was disappointed to see no signs there. She opted not to run after reaching the run site, stories of the 'friendlies' and witnessed some 'pulling out' have put her off chance for a good sweat out!

I was late again and only started 10mins later. It was a good warm up long, slow gradient climb heading to the waterfalls. I heard the checking calls and the OnCalls on a back check that I caught up with the pack in the middle with the FROP whizzing around the slow pack. The sweat factory started and many were seen to be bogged down by their lack of stamina, I was also one of these!....hehehe......

The trail brought the pack downhill towards a ravie with a creek, the downhill was fairly steep and the queues were long, everyone taking turns to negotiate with the steep. There were some 'wild boars' that bashed and 'rolled' down not wanting to wait in line. Crossing the creek, the first killer climb waited in silence as the pack was 'howling' when looking at the steep uphill tasks that was made visible with the sporadic runners up front.

Finally, reaching the top of the first killer climb - amazements, the 'wows', the 'huhs' and the 'aiyos' were abundant. It was not the top but a sort of like a 'rest platform' for more steeper killer climbs! I was on my slowest pace with each breath and step up the Big Brother. There were many 'leaning statues' and 'ground gazers', slowly and patiently I went to reach the top at 6pm. Upon reaching the 'highway', it was a run for all home trail until we were 'diverted' to another home trail that was dreaded - steep and nothing to hold downhill. A short less than a kilometer run to reach the run site in 1hr25mins.

We waited for the last sweeper to be back in the cool breezy evening with some beers and some 'bulls'. One 'Guava fruit' was stung by some 'nasties' and was 'reacting indifferently' had 'APhat' driving her to get some jab. The beers and 'bulls' saw the last sweeper out at 7:30pm while the 'stungee' was back about 8pm.


一个活动,两种享受 - (年晚事忙,忙中找閒,偷閒找享受)





*** SH4 琦哥***
 更多的相片,请游览琦哥部落客...More details

Monday, January 25, 2010


一进入2010年,因很多方面而忙。非常忙, 趁此机会补几笔。

当然首先要提出有一班不知何为行山精神的HASHER又搞事情。话说,有一班HASHER要搞多一队在星期日行山。本来,你有你走,我有我走。大家相安无事。我们甚至可以交流。可惜,其中一位破坏分子且发电给LAU TAN。恐吓说“SH4在那里行山,他们就在同一地点。要SH4关门大吉。”真是其有此理,也相当幼稚。幸好,SH4会员都很合作和理智。就让他们自己活在自己狭窄的空间和封闭的思想吧!


今年初,我们的一班女將提出了为孤儿院和老人院在华人新年前于SH4名誉会赠送些礼品给他们好过年。由发烂渣和Fit Soh带领。24 Jan-10 的CIRCLE向大家募捐。31 Jan-10截止。希望有意捐献者,尽早联络她们或星期日行山时交上钱或物品。

10 Jan-10, 我们一班SH4 members也有参加Klang Shooting Club 的15KM Run。不同之处是发烂渣由头到尾是蒙者眼睛跑完的(blind folded run)。而且也赢得了第六名的奖杯。

一路是由捞一块(619)和周围八护航。以1hr45min完成。发烂渣过后说, “打开眼睛后,她走路是偏向一边。头也有点晕。”捞一块说: “左手酸痛。头也酸痛因由头到尾同一个方向看顾着发烂渣的安全。这是他有史以来看发烂渣最久的一次。回去要找铁打。” 周围八:“很enjoy这个Run。发烂渣一路都跑歪,一直冲向他。还好,一路顺风。” 路痴因男组迟开跑,一路追了几公里才追上帮忙开路,令他气喘如牛。我这位Camera man也一路追一路拍。发烂渣蒙者眼睛是不知山高或低的。差一点儿在上高山时给他们跑脱了。讲起来,我好像跑了很多次的Tempo Run。

下次,我们要他们在Marathon时再来一次,又能以次做CHARITY 。


On On –细蛋

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

10/1/10 - SH4, Sri Haneco
It was a wonderful short run but was laid with climbing in mind, that's where the sweat came from. The home trail was short but it did provide a little more to wet the t-shirt. Me Mrs was complaining about her knee but I think she's just whining about it as she have not been on the runs for about a week.

Good hill climbs that we have not been visiting the trails that we used to, steeps that had many panting and the usual FLZ and GL that I over take during the run would result in them following me like 'monkey see, monkey do' to catch up and breathing down my neck....hehehe....good sport. These ladies sure are tough cookies..The usual me is that I was always the last to start the run and caught up with the front pack almost before or after the half way point. It's always the question "why so fast? where do you want to go?" "wait for me" "i will follow you"..some encouragements, huh?....that's the fun when you poke at them...hahaha....

3/1/10 - SH4, Bukit Hatamas
We were warned of a long run as MCC was iced last week by FL. It was a good start with climbs and the killer climbs. As we were on the slopes to the left, I have guessed and expected the killer climb before getting on the 'highway'. Me Mrs was lucky not to do the run if not she'll have her fits wth the 'friendlies'..I was late and started the run with another front runner. He bolted to the front leaving me on the killer climb slope. Trying me best on the slopes, passing by the 'great pant-ers', 'leaning statues', 'breathing gurus', 'ground gazers' and many 'land surveyors' many more names can you think of? oh yes, 'dumbfounded' - they were exhausted, when you ask them something or saying hi - they normally don't answer.....hahahahaha

The run was with good climbs that brought down many giants and good home trail run on the 'highway' and back down the hill. FROP 1hr20mins and I was trailing 5mins, again! when will I ever catch up with them? In my dreams....for the time being..

.........No Hair.......

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Run # 376 (3 Jan-10) – Cheras Awana (Bukit Hatamas)

在2010年的第一天,在与周围八闲谈时谈到SINGAPRE SUNDOWN(84KM-双倍马拉松的路程)。有谈到马来仔要参加。突然有个概念,不如把这项目做成一个筹款义跑。用SH4名誉筹款。把所收到的捐款在扣除马来仔的报名费,交通和住宿后,余款将用SH4名誉捐给区内的孤儿院和老人院。和几位理事谈后,也得了马来仔的同意。今天也在mini-circle中宣布。在本月的CIRCLE正式开始筹款。马来仔加油!
• 如能在12小时内完成,SH4会向募捐者收全部认捐款。
• 如不能在12小时内完成,SH4会向募捐者收半数的认捐款。
• 以此让马来仔有个任务完成使命。
P/S: 有建议如能在10小时内完成, 收认捐款的双倍。在考虑中。

新的一年希望能由SWEEPER转成FROP……今天应是好的开始。可是人算不如天算。我反而做了SWEEPER而且还是FISRT AIDER。酸黄梨还与我开玩笑说今天没有FTG,应该没工作。但是……

…因整理点名簿而慢了进山。在路途中又有位年青警察在JOGGING时被SH4的魅力吸引而加入我们。为了照顾这位FTG,我再次随SWEEPER团进山。在水池的左边进山。上了半山边往左边跑。在上了第二粒山时便见到周围八的两位新hasher。其中一人出了点状况。他要吐又吐不出很辛苦。眼看他脸色青白,嘴唇淡白。就在躺在大树不久便头晕;然后跟着晕倒。我连忙与Mo Mo Cha给予他救护。推摸太阳穴,插人中和拉手指。终算把他弄醒。可是, 他嘴唇还是淡白,再次晕倒。一连几次都只能把他弄醒而已。此时,LauTan和酸黄梨也到来了。LauTan不愧是我们的金牌SWEEPER。只见他在伤者胸口处,按几按,快速打几下,伤者马上脸色转红。令我佩服的五体投地。同时也给了我一个wake-up call。我得再重新修补FISRT AID的知识。(回家后,也请教LauTan如何按或打胸口处。)

不久,他便能自己站立。酸黄梨建议带他往后退。我也因答应周围八照应这两位朋友而随队向后撤退。同时,我也从酸黄梨处学到如何让晕者从慢走和停流的方式走出山。我们也顺利的在6.30pm左右到达。那位年青警察也顺利出来。他很开心和很有成就感。ON ON SH4!

听说,FROP是”等我来”。在6:10pm便完成。路程是在我们撤退处再往前爬一粒高山才下山出来。FIT LO也告知今天也特别让我们的LADIES们找CHECKING。这班巾帼英雄也没让大家失望。没有一个CHCKING能难倒她们。SALUTE!! 大队也全部在7:10pm安全出来。LauTan也在路途中护理了另一位晕倒者。一切都顺利和平安。

今天也是GAI XI LOY的“三五岁”生日。GAI XI LOY生日快乐!队友们也为他买了蛋糕庆贺。他们也准备了很多食物和酒。大家也尽兴吃喝玩乐。ON ON!!

*** 细蛋-非常有意义的一天 ***