Latest New 最新消息


Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.

We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.

For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!

For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.

Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON

ON ON!! 时间表

Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!

Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek

Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On

星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Run #409 - 29/08/10 - Bukit Hatamas (Circle)

不该发生的事,还是发生了 ......在SH4......是一次经历?...教训?....经验?....还是...一次的醒觉?

今天是由第七团八月份做大食会(HARE)。请了众多HASHERS和朋友到来参加。因载小女练舞回家而较迟都RUNSITE。国良一通来电问我正确地点。“....好多人... 好多车....一时也不确定地点对吗?.."  我也被国良的问题问得一头雾水。一到RUNSITE,我才体检到国良为何有此反应。至少有200多人。我一时也不知车要停放在那儿?

匆匆忙忙中,听到老蛋在呼叫大家聚合.....好像有听到分两队进山....短(SHORT RUN)的如平常般长....長途(LONG RUN) 的那条要3小时...只给FAST RUNNING BUSTER走......短的是跟蓝纸....長的是跟SH4纸...

然后,POM POM POM....开跑了。还来不及抓相机....大队已分两路.....短的是向前方高山迈进....长的是向右方往阿伯山处前进......真是人山人海....看都许许多多家长带着小孩们一起上山....非常温馨...非常开心....

天上太阳因他们的热诚而受感动....它也展颜大笑...一时热火朝天...那么热的天气....我选擇了走短途的那条。可能有人会头昏。随时要做FISRT AID。

幸好,一进树林...凉风阵阵...特别凉爽.....大家也趁此机会休憩...互相支持, 勉励....


遇到糖糖时,他对我打手势...有位女团员可能要照顾....哇!她的脸白的如白纸张般...连嘴唇都白...太吓人了。看她很有毅力的勉励自己...勉为其难我放慢脚步陪同她.....她人身体不适, 但是她的行山精神可佳..不怕慢...步履艰难的一步一步努力向前奋斗...完全没有放弃的决定....另人佩服.....

不久就遇到肥婆...她一向来身体不适..长期都没有走完全程...可是今天她的"半程"伙伴没追上来...而她已进入深山...一时也不能回头.....她头晕了一次....用毛巾为她打风...休息一下后...她可以行动了.....上山途中, 她也抽筋了几次....有次得帮她拉脚....一样的充满毅力的..她咬牙切齿的一步一步完成全程....恭喜她又达到一个新的水平。

终于到达山顶...刚才几位“不行人士”现在已能健步如飞的奔跑下山。再往前行,遇到前方的队伍....他们告之刚刚才见到LONG RUN 的SET RUN队伍经过。可以想象今天的这LONG RUN 不简单。(如SetRun遇到sweeper是不祥之兆!)

最后,我们SHORT RUN队伍也都在2小时左右到达营地。可是, 第一次SH4 LONG RUN 的FROP连影子都看不见。结果,LONG RUN FROP要用2小时完成任务。大家开始担心了...不久, 就连LONG RUN 的sweeper都出来了。草猛是顾前方sweeper所以跟队伍出来。马来仔是顾最后的sweeper。但是, 他犯了一个很严重的错误。他为了带一为"不行" 的新手而由短路出山。现在, LONG RUN已没有sweeper了。情况是越来越不利了。

(注:SWEEPER的任务是不能往后或用短路出山。他一定要一路跟着纸扫而前进。以确保有跟纸的HASHER都回在你SWEEP的范围。如非撤退不可, POM POM 一定要交给另一位HASHER来代替。)

晚上8时后, FIT LO拿起名册点算人头...有点辣手了...还有11人没有CHECK OUT。问了在场的HASHER确定身边的朋友..经过重整之后..确定有5人还在深山..有几位"不合作"的HASHER敢敢没有CHECK OUT而回家。这是“非常错误,自私,不遵守规则"的做法。FIT LO得打了几通电话来确定他们的安危。真是浪费大家的时间和白白为他们的"自私"而担心。希望大家能从这次的经历中学习改进。一定要CHECK-IN! CHCEK-OUT!

因为不安的心情.我们也没有心情ON-BOX..仪式很草率的结束。第一次SH4的CIRCLE没有人坐冰凳。(NO ONE ON ICE!!)

NO Hair也语重心长的再次提醒大家一定要参与进山前的小聚会。老蛋每次PIPI吹了多次都有些人不愿意聚合。往往有重要宣告,有人没听到而出祸。老蛋通常都会和Set Run者联络以了解路程。这些讯息都对当天的RUN很有帮助。尤其是给SWEEPER。好让他们可以在适时安排"不行者"退出。

天色也非常暗了。幸好,SKS 和Raymond有带手机.发了多通点来和我们联系。SKS突然吐出.."我左右都是纸...不知该往何处行走..".NoHair连忙为他确定方向。结果还是不行。(我有过像SKS的现象。有次我大概走得有点累就往树根坐。当我起身时,的确左右都是纸...我也一是忘了我是从左或右处来?各位HASHER请留意这现象。尤其是一个人行山时!)

由FIT LO做Commander, 我们开始RESCUE (逞救行动)。由马来仔带队,加上阿明和Super Old Man三人组进去LONG RUN 找他们5人。一时多通电话飞来飞去。大家也留下等侯。心急如焚。他们已经在山里里4个多小时了。深山中的缺水,飢餓是很危险的。老蛋以沉重的心情叫大家一起唸佛号。大家也很诚心的为他们求平安和祈祷。

不久,马来仔送来好消息。他们见到SKS 和 Raymond了。可是不见其他3人。这是坏消息。电话再次多通联系。原来,小龙女与两位新人不知如何走到SHORT RUN的路段。(听说她们都没多有手电筒。很大的错误!)马上的FIT LO再次成立2组逞救队伍。个个自动自发的穿上靴,带好装备出发。FIT LO自己亲自带领一组8个成员向进山的方向找。另一组由安仔带领一组6个成员向出山的方向找。由老蛋做Commander。Fit So协助。


小龙女与两位新人在晚上10.15pm到达。她很乐观的说,“我很好...我赚到这个经历..." 我很欣赏她阳光和开朗的态度。还有她们能够留在SH4纸的地方耐心等侯是最正确的做法。(只要你还在SH4纸, 我们一定能够找到你。)

SKS 和 Raymond在11.30pm到达。Raymond第一件要求是要水,不要100Plus。他们是非常飢餓,但是需要休息。Raymond 是不知如何走了一大圈而碰见SKS。因是有缘.他们才能同伴。不然, 单独一人在漆黑一团的深山内,是非常可怕的。


星期天捷兔会的团结,爱心,互助和HASH的精神。今晚都一一展现出来。我能再次参与这团队而感到骄傲和幸福。ON ON

For more detail, please visit NoHair's blogspot
Sunday's Torture


Monday, August 23, 2010

Run #408 - 22/08/10 - Hulu Langat AngroTek

这是新的RUN SITE。虽然一路上都有signboard。入口处还放了3个signboard。 结果,还是有一群HASHER迷失找不到RUN SITE。619走到PANSOON...日本走到Jalan Sungai Tekali(富贵山庄的方向);还有不知是谁走到去Ampang的路。由于HASH精神的原故,他们都顺利到达。

今天是由阿明和跟我来负责set run。可能他们都习惯了马拉松式跑步,所以一路上都是HIGHWAY。不过,全程还是要爬大约5粒山。最高有300米高,都不简单。这片山非常清洁和清静。有不少美景。SKS一路上也拍了不少照片。下次再转载这些美照。

感觉上,一路上是往深山里面行走。在进山前, GM 有大声警告不能走SHORTCUT。如出不来,明天才进山找迷失者。一时又开始胡思乱想,会不会GM讲错话了。SET RUN不会出山。走着走着好像离RUNSITE越来越远。。。


不过, 开心得太早了。阿明和跟我来不愧是马拉松跑者。他们特别安排了全长2.2公里的马路让我们跑回RUNSITE。苦就苦在我们的爬山鞋并不适合用来跑平路。真是苦不堪言。走完后,脚底也差不多起水泡。

当从远处闻到榴梿的香味, 所有的痛苦都一扫而空。Kirby又在次把欢乐带给大家。谢谢他送的榴梿。大家也把马路当草席,就地而坐,大吃大喝, 大做文章,谈笑风生。


花时来SH4走山.。。的确是最佳的选择! ON ON。


Monday, August 16, 2010

407 - 15/08/10 - Sg. Long

Detoxfication Sunday
15/8/10: SH4 – Sungai Long

We arrived late as YM had a visitor just as we were to get into car. Luckily, the stopover was short and we arrived just about few minutes late just enough time for YM to catch up. Toxin built up since last night’s Sepang H3 do that has to be sweated out.

What looked like a reverse run of the last run here; InTrail was on the crusher run road uphill and to the clearcuts on top and the back road next to Admiral Park; down to the ‘Datuk’s’ house and on the left trail towards the rubber estates; just about on the first downhill bend, the paper trail went on downhill through the bushes with the back pack lining up for their turn; not wanting to queue, I took the path and just round the bend met the middle pack back onto the path and crossing the river; and uphill climb by the orchard and all the way to the lower terrace highway to head eastward; a little skip, the trail went up into hill for a climb and what a climb! Killer!; the climb was not without anything, a humungous piece of rock greeted us almost halfway up; just about the top, the paper went down on some very risky slopes and that was no easy thing; slow and steady to ensure safety, we finally got back on the ‘wide track’ to reach the left ‘end track’ for another jungle downhill till the path by the river; just about reaching the rubber hill the paper went right into the shiggies and a short climb up the rubber tree hill and down back to the trail; crossing the bridge and towards Ah Pek’s shed the trail paper went up the hill through the jungle slope; instead of doing that, I went on the path to Ah Pek’s shed and to the top to see trail papers again; the hare and co-hare didn’t have enough and brought the pack through some long climbs and downhills, through some 3 more medium hills, through some thick fern growths, thicker fern shiggies, thick fern downhills, back on some familiar trails, through the last rubber tree hill climb and down zig-zagging on the terraces; finally the quarry was in full view and the home trail through the flattened land; the less than 1km tarmac run had us back in 1hr 40mins. YM was back around 7pm while the last was around 8pm with a little help from a 4WD.
*** NoHair ***
这是我第四次Miss了Sg. Long这个充满挑战的山。非常可惜。最近,GM好像受到刺激。这3次的RUN都要FROP在一个半小时才能到终点。平时是一小时左右。这就爽了FROP而让新手和SWEEPER叫苦连天。听说,这个RUNSITE 风景特别优美。幸好没有下雨。不然,这山路将是由滑又危险。相信这条路对SH4来说是没问题 。下星期见。ON ON!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Run #406 8/8/10 Broga

The weather was great, me Mrs knew the run was on the left side that was known to have ‘friendlies’ and still she got ready to run it.

Usual InTrail by the small rubber holding; first steep short climb was the sign of what was to come; a run by the slope that was quite tight on the trail and passed the small house to go on another uphill that was not that steep but long; the day’s heat and Saturday night’s drinking making it more difficult; a long steep downhill was another sign of what’s coming; crossing over the stoney creek got us to notice of what’s coming; two steeper up and down on the slopes finally had us on the dreaded climbs; the first was on the almost vertical slopes that had us clinging on the roots and trees; the second was a little less steeper but was long enough to slow me down to a snail’s pace; the final was the killer after the first 2, not as steep as the 2 but sure long enough to tire most of us out!; oh, yeah! I left me Mrs behind after crossing the creek and thought that she would over come her fear of the ‘friendlies’ and over come it on her own!; we finally got to some flat trails but it was not the top yet, maybe a small break after the climb but to continue on the uphills till the ‘highway’; it was then all the way on the ‘highway’ till the bald hills and through the rubber holdings behind the temple for the run home; FROP Super OldMan 1hr35mins while I struggled behind about 20 fellas to come in 10mins after them; big surprise was me Mrs was out by 7:15pm, I thought she would be out by 8! Taxing and dead tired but satisfied!
当晚趁几位理事都在。我们在等SWEEPER回来前,策划了八周年庆祝会。在场的会员也现场认捐经费。目前已有2只烧猪, 1只烧羊,最少25 盐焗鸡,21Crates酒和RM500。
LauTan也很幸运的找到酒家能承办我们的晚宴。9月26日晚上。请保留这晚给出SH4。 ON! ON!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Run #405 Durian & CharSiew Run (Bukit Hatamas)



一路上,眼见FIONA脸白唇紫。原来她已病了几个星期。走山的精神是很奇怪的。大病一场后,你常常非马上带病来走一次山不可;好让病快速回复。真的次次都见效。原以为这次又要做FIRST AID。烧包已准备牺牲小我,随时可以做人工呼吸。我也准备“一阳指”好在她晕倒后点醒她。可是,她好像中气十足。一路上又歌又唱。她竟然越走越回复脸色。下次,我要叫那些脸白唇紫的HASHER试试唱歌。可能这也是一种复原的方法。FIONA的歌声优扬。只可惜遇到细蛋这个门外汉。细蛋没有唱歌的细胞,不然,我们已经在山内大合唱了。

到了终点,烧包和叉烧为大家准备了5公斤的叉烧和老鼠粉。大家也很给脸的把它大扫一空。一时个个聚集一堂,有谈有笑。突然,Kirby车后打开,搬出了3大包24D的榴梿。大家蜂拥而来,又一次的大吃一顿。多么爽快啊!免费的晚餐...这就是SH4hasher的大方之处..这也是SH4迷人的地方...有人因“给”而开心..有人因“受”而快乐。ON ON!

For more article, please visit NoHair's blog at


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Run #403 & #404

Run#403 18/7/10: SH4 – Jalan Langat (Hanging Bridge)
Originally,  this run was at new run site at Hulu Langat AngroTek. Due to unforseen circumstance, we have to move to this run site. Anyway, we will have it at 22 Aug-10. No more change...fingers cross...

It seems not that smooth as the runsite was LOCKED for entry by contruction site. Anyway, our GM managed to direct us to park in front of the sekolah kebangsaan. Btw, there is a BIG parking lot here.
I thought of having a CIRCLE here one day. (But, front of school wor?)

Botak so kindly "belanja" us some "SIU PAO"....just realised that I have missed my lunch...what a so coincidence...At that moment, it was the BEST "siu pao" that I ever eaten...THANKS to BOTAK for his generosity..ON ON.

It was raining and wet thoroughout the journey. The trail was very slippery. All hashers returned with full body with "masking" or "mudbath"..from natural mud and dirt. Can you imagine some of them did their cleaning on the water spot on the road? Compare to the dirt on your body, these water spots are CLEAN....errrrr...

Another smooth run for SH4...full of fun and laughs....a good spend for my Sunday...ON ON

***Sai Tan***

Run# 404 25/7/10: SH4 – Sungai Jelok

We arrived just after the run started and it was raining. YM was dressed for the occasion but chicken-ed out after reaching the run site in the rain. Lee was also late and we went in together with a fast walking pace; we heard the honkers were just at the right side hill and started on our way towards the back pack; Lee was close behind and sticking on me like a leech; we finally caught up with the back pack in a short while later and a slippery downhill gave us the chance to overtake the front back pack; reaching a bike path, we ran and caught up with the last of the middle pack while climbing the durian orchard and after another slippery downhill caught up with most of the front middle pack; Lee was still behind me but a bit more further due to the queue on trail; Lee actually wanted to test me on my stamina and he’s good; we later caught up with the front pack on the last check that was good to stack the pack together; a back check broken by middle pack had the runners way behind but was soon over taken on the final slippery downhill; FROP 1hr, BWOP 1hr40mins.