Latest New 最新消息
Again, with all your support, participation and contribution, we have successfully organised our 1st Ball Breaker Run during our 12th anniversary celebration.
We had closed to 500 registered participants for our Ball Breaker Run and Fun Run. For the first time, we have so many walk-in participants and we had run out of T-shirt for a number of participants. Thanks for their continuous support.
For Ball Breaker run, there were 196 hashers registered. There were 123 Ball Breaker Finishers. 1st Ball Breaker Finisher completed in 4hr 47min. And the last FINISHER returned safely at 8.02pm at the same time Opening Ceremony had just started. There was no major injury but some cut, bruise and scratch observed from the participants. With the "HO LAN XI" blue finishing T wearing on, all pains turn into achievement, success and PROUD!
For Fun Run, there were about 250 runners participated. They had conquered closed to 8km journey and they were safely returned at 6.00pm. Swept by the pair of our Diamond Sweepers, TongZhan and GouPaoChoon, no worry at all.
Once again, thanks for your participation. We hope that you have fun and enjoyed the trails and programs provided. Even if there is any problem, with hash spirit, no running problem, no drinking problem and no causing problem. ON ON
ON ON!! 时间表
Welcome to our SH4 runs for a friendship, healthy and fun!
Run Date RUN SITE 地点
619 21/9/14 Sg. Jelok
620 28/9/14 Sg. Long
621 5/10/14 Hulu Langat Agro Tek
Run on every Sundays at 5pm sharp!
Rain or shine! On On
星期日 傍晚五时正准时开跑! 风雨无阻!
走山 + 快乐 = 身心健康
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
拆礼物的大日子 Run #426 - Venice Hill (Circle)
当晚Circle时,大家都玩得很放,很开心。第一次罚酒时有性感的酒杯用。Captain安的姐夫不小心留了水瓶在山中被抓获。结果,安代罚坐冰。Sotong在GM on box时,开private party。结果被GM叫来问罪。GM差点放了他。不知他已经是会员了。没想到Sotong是有备而来的。他有穿两件裤。可爱的是他里面的竟是蜡笔小新。哈!
在我onbox时,阿安和海龙王儿子都翘脚而被抓。海龙王和海草被诛九族。Kuantan Kam上星期带太多新人而不能照顾两位新人而交给包尾的咸鸡。结果被告到面子书Facebook上。因他第一次坐冰,我也特地用交长的时间用多种语言讲解带新人要注意的事项。好让他坐得刻骨铭心。带新人要注意的事项是必须穿爬山鞋和旧衣裤。还得陪他们走完。不然,就通知sweeper帮忙照顾。
轮到619时,因第一次ON BOX.。他马上公报私仇请阿Chew坐冰。因阿Chew每次都跑快过他。他也趁机会请first time guests上来介绍自己。场面一时非常乱但个个都很爽和开心。GM也以此理由罚619。619大呼超爽!下次要轮流交给其他理事上来主持。较新鲜!
发烂渣一上台就马上发烂渣。因大声公和恐龙叫了一声,"女杀手!"。他们马上被干了,都被请上来坐冰。此时,Fit Lo打了通电话来。朱肠粉也把电话交给on box的FLZ。结果两人都被GM罚坐冰。
Monday, December 13, 2010
Is Jalan Langat same as ArgoTech? (#424 AgroTech, Hulu Langat)
I had received many calls for direction and some complaints on "Why was it so difficult to label "AgroTech"?" Come on......Not my fault...I am the victim too. I even drove to "hanging bridge" to confirm that the run site has changed. Then, rushed to seach for the run site along Jalan Langat...till I saw a SH4 sign hanging near the Hulu Langat Batu14 traffic light...then only I had the confident that the run site could be at Agrotech.
LauTan was on boarding at the international sea. Some calls even reached him during his vacation. Nothing that he can do either. By the way, SH4 members may have to re-train on following signboard.
While reaching the run site, there were plenty of cars on the car park. It created some puzzle to us. "Are we at the right place?" Further checking, there was a local function at the resort nearby. To avoid blocking their cars, we managed to park our cars further at another wider land.
ON ON was 10 minutes late as to wait for those who had lost or missed the way to this run site.
The initial journey was along the river and a man made tar road. Then, we started to climb up hill. After 45 minutes, I had managed to "pursue" a few first timers to return as they were not in proper attire. The first hill was manageable but not the 2nd hill. The trail was seems only moving up hill. There were many occasion that we thought that we would reach the peak after a turn. Unfortunately, when we reached the "peak", there was always another PEAK awaiting. It was so depressed and getting so tough to continue the journey. Ah Fah and Chan Sir were stucked at this stage. Five sweepers (Ko Pau Chon, Red Dragon, Buffalo, Ah Kam & me) were with them to support and encourage them.
When we reached the peak (426M as of my watch. 300M high from run site), the feeling was great! Ah Gao already awaiting Ah Fah…such a lovely couple… The scenery from top was fantastic and beautiful. After a few shots, we rushed down as the day is getting dark. We reached run site safely at 7.30pm.
The most special of this run is that ALL SHOES WOULD BE IN WET. Everyone had to crossing a shallow stream on the way out….No way to escape.
Salty Chicken had improved this round as he was not out with sweepers. Even when GM called to check the result, his first check was “How was Salty Chicken?” GM also found that 2nd hill did gave him some challenge. He didn't realise it was so high. Salty Chicken was so happy and started to "bluffing"others.
Suddenly, there was a birthday song from behind. Ball Ball carried a birthday cake with candles slight. Oh! Today is Ng Gee Seng’s birthday. We had some birthday songs for him. He has also received many wishes from SH4 hashers.
Another friendship runs from SH4. ON! ON!
*** SaiTan***
Monday, December 6, 2010
不听老人言,吃亏在眼前. (RUN #423 - 05/12/10 - Venice Hill)
Venice Hill的RUNSITE是一个非常有挑战的山。里面山多,河水多,小溪多以及HASH纸多。路程可短也可很长。下雨后的山路也特别烂和湿。不容易行山。
坦白说,这次GM SET的山路特别适合这班“可怕又很快的SH4 runners”。保证他们够喉!不信去问FitLou, SuperOldMan或朱肠粉。当他们感到够喉时也就是新人或慢者的灾难。这次我陪咸鸡就用2小时10分才出得来。
山是不高,最多是150公尺左右。但是, 上山下山就无数次。过河或小溪多到我们都数不清。LAUTAN多通电话告知他们已经过了3条河。听之好像很近出口, 但又好像在很远哦!
从他们下山的速度,我开始担心要多一粒钟才能出山。水一到口,马上喝的清光。可以见得他们是多么的饥渴。其中一位有腰伤的朋友,带伤来行山。(太危险了。下次千万别把命当儿戏!)他也跌了2次,旧病复发而不便以行。一路幸好有SH4的3位sweeper (LauTan, Ben Kok & Red Dragon)又拉又扶又推才能到这里。非常辛苦。还好,sweeper没因不听劝告而有放弃他们。坦白说,SH4的sweeper都非常专业和理智,他们都很好心肠!
最后大家互相勉励和安慰后就各自回程。FitLo他们也趁此时赶去吃他们的"龙虾大餐"。这一餐应该会吃的特别有味道了。ON! ON!
最后奉劝大家要听SH4 SWEEPER言,不听SWEEPER言,吃亏在眼前。
Sunday, December 5, 2010
WET WILD WET RUN: Run #422 - Vilaraya Industrial Park (CIRCLE)
It was also a challenge to me. I had fallen and slipped for so many times that I almost wanted to join the returning crowd. When I saw 'YaoDYeah" struggling nearby me, I couldn't help as we were facing the same difficulty. I managed to "conquer" this hill with lot's of cuts and pains.
The following of our journey was consider smooth as we had just overcame the "Challenge of the day". The rest of the trail would be just a piece of cake. Salty Chicken again joined the sweeper team. As a matter for rejoicing, he had managed to climb up the first hill.
We reached the run site before dark. The crowd had already enjoying their dinner from Group 9. This time, we had "Indian Cuisine". As of raining, they even managed to get the shop owner permission to set the food stands inside the shop lot. Quite a diffferent experience and we were all very enjoying with the hot and spicy Indian cuisine. Salty Chicken also bought 5 chicken for SH4 as dessert. We somehow shown the chicken one by one at different time to create the "eating" atmosphere. The salt baked chicken was "pulled and plucked" and gone in flash seconds.
Believe it or not! Rain stopped when we started our CIRCLE. It was a full of funs, laughs and entertainment night. Even it reached 9pm, there was no sign of late from the hashers.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Run #421 Bukit Hatamas, Cheras -月光光照地堂!/profile.php?id=100000708913334
(我有一次在JERANTUT的经验,连生病(拉肚子)的我在找到CHECKING后,肚子马上好了。.. 一路是兴奋的“飞"着出山。出来后,给他们抓去坐冰和淋冷酒。病好像立刻消失了。)
*** 细蛋***
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy OCT Birthday to YOU YOU YOU!!
As we have planned earlier, the foods that we prepared were just "ENOUGH" (食爽) but not for "FULL"(食饱). Eh! FOC wor!!! No compalint!! ON ON!
The night was merrier with many guests...mainly from the family members or friends of our birthday BOYS or GIRLS....Congratulation to SuperFoo, 619, Fit So, YongTaoFu, XiuPao, Cheong Kiok, Ben, GuoWongSo-Heong2 & Wah Mui for their birthday on the month of October.
Again...although it was very short notice...the night was GREAT!! because of you... SH4...ON ON.
Monday, November 15, 2010
雨中情 (Run #420 Broga)
周围八的复出,可见大家多关心。个个都责问为何失踪多时?可见SH4的友情是多么的纯厚。你久没来了,个个都会问侯。我们笑称他是迷失在FALSIE中还一直走。终于听到ON ON声而回来了。
下星期MantinHash 有个TREASURE HUNT。送10双鞋和其他BROOKS的产品在山中让HAHSER寻宝。相信SH4的众多好手不会放弃这机会。希望他们能满载而归。ON!ON!
咦!连GM,JM和会SETRUN的都去寻宝。下星期谁人SETRUN?LAUTAN 开始担心了。有人建议搬去MANTIN和他们一起走山。哈! 假如SH4整班去支持MANTIN HASH,SANGWAT会特别开心。不过,SH4还是走自已的RUN。不用怕。SH4有的是人才。最后, 终于找到SuperOldMan 操刀。
入山前,雨水越下越大。几位老顽童,如MR. I,619和阿CHEW,还大力踏水弄湿大家。看他们跳得那么开心,玩得那么放。很可惜因下雨而用不到相机拍摄。CIRCLE时应该能请他们“上座"。感谢他们带给我们的欢乐和回忆。
这一餐也吃得特别开怀! ON ON
Monday, November 1, 2010
SH4 bagged in Genting Traiblazer 2010
The famed annual pulse-pounding combination of exciting adventure racing and intense trail running has now been bolstered with an emphasis on the importance of rainforest conservation. This year’s race promotes the theme of 'team spirit'. The idea is to impart valuable lessons in self-confidence and teamwork, as well as provide the chance to be closer to nature. Highlighting and reinforcing the adage ‘unity is strength’, be prepared to navigate 14km of mean, muddy terrain, daunting obstacles and grueling challenges while surrounded by the lush, rugged beauty of the world's oldest rainforest together with your partner. Let team spirit carry you through this epic run as you and your partner strive towards victory!
SH4 hashers recorded another good result during the Genting TrailBlazer run on 31 oct-10. About a thousand four participants grouped in pairs. There are 4 categories for competing. SH4 have winners in all categories or swapped 20% of the awards. The fighting spirit were so HIGH that our hashers have competed with many strong and experience runners. The team spirit was GREAT and our teams were all returned fast in pairs. They have helped and motivated each others. As supporters, we have given them the BEST CHEERS and Support.
Congratulation to our SH4 hashers!! BRAVO! ON! ON!
SH4 再次在云顶Trailbazer横扫多项奖品。在这场有整千四人参加的越越赛跑。要拿到好成绩是不简单的。但是,我们的团员都做到了。绝佳的团队精神和永不放弃的理念,他们成功了。我们抱攘了20%的奖牌。8周年的“橙与黑”HASH衣一直在奖台上重复出现。SH4因你们而骄傲。恭喜所有的参赛者,你们都完成任务。继续努力!! ON ON!
**SaiTan 细蛋 ***
Saturday, October 30, 2010
SH4 Appreciation Dinner 慰劳宴
山羊第一次以INTERHASH SEC身份为我们介绍了近期的几个重要HASH RUN。希望大家踊跃报名。
Monday, October 18, 2010
不下雨的农历九月初, 我们的大食会. (RUN #416)
还是由Group 7 和Group 8做东,请大家大吃大喝。这次他们把"厨房"搬到RUNSITE。有虾,sotong, 卤肉,卤豆腐,鸡脚等等。我一边拍照,口水就一直流。想先偷偷尝一尝且又怕被抓。肚子已咕咕响。还是去其他地方猎景。。。
5.30pm, Follow-me一个人SET RUN出来。(一位女孩,有点危险喔!)她是SET SHORT RUN的。可是,没有人跟她出来。原来, 她先开一条SHORT RUN的短路;然后才跟MING一起进去接大队出来。算算,FROP应该已过了SHORT RUN的交界处。十分钟后,MING也从LONG RUN出来。他们一起再次进山接SHORT RUN的队友出山。此时,看情况应该有很多HASHER已过了SHORT RUN的交界处。
等呀!等呀!SHORT RUN和LONG RUN都没有人出来。6.25PM后才远远见到LONG RUN的FROP。当DATSUN到达终点,SHORT RUN 的FROP也同时抵达。不久,倆位LONG RUN的SWEEPERS 都出来了。他们也分不出SHORT RUN的交界处。就这样跟大队出来。(哇!然到又从演上次的事件?LONG RUN 又没有SWEEPER。)最后,连SHORT RUN的SWEEPER也出来了。SHORT RUN没问题因后面没人了。可是,LONG RUN 就不知谁走最后。连忙叫大家注意身边的朋友,如还没出来,要通知我们。Ming也告知LONG RUN不会太长。一路都是往低处行走,应该很安全。当PINGO MONK出来告知她是最后出来的,心中才松了一口气。
不久,大家也开始享受丰富的晚饭。可能一班原本要走SHORT RUN的且变成走LONG RUN;结果用力过多,肚子也特别饿,当晚的食物也一扫而空。HARE都很开心。见到大家吃得那么开心,他们也觉得荣幸。非常值得请大家。ON! ON!
晚上的CIRCLE,终于可以玩的特别"放"。开始是由GM请HARE出来敬酒。感谢他们的盛情款待。接下来, FLZ请了路痴坐冰因为周年纪念当晚的游戏太精彩了。因大家太投入了;结果酒和水就留了几十箱没有喝完。当晚,太少人喝酒,太少人醉了,太不像HASH Celebration了。你说,“该不该罚?” 其实,FLZ是在奖励路痴无意中为SH4省了酒钱和大家都能没有醉酒驾驶而平安回家。
她又请了MR.I做冰因为他还欠SH4三百粒饺子。FitLo要他下次双倍赔。MR.I 其实因出国公干而不能出席。一时忘了交代。接下来,没有穿HASH衣的都被请上来享受冰椅。GUEST没有穿就罚带他们来的MEMBER。MOTOR TENG可能太久没坐,干脆脱裤而坐。朱肠粉,国良,MING都一起被罚。
当FitLo上来时,马上请了一班上星期的SWEEPERS出来。因海龙王的“好”主意,谷爆春就提了十多罐酒上山请SWEEPER们喝。怕大家辛苦了。请SWEEPER一边照顾人,一边享用啤酒,何乐而不为! 我也参与了。哈!哈!结果遇到铁面无私的FitLo,个个“同流喝污”的乖乖的坐冰。海龙王,谷爆春,朱肠粉,阿威和路痴都被点中。好像还有漏网之鱼......NoHair..
Run #415 & #416
We arrived just in time again for the run and me Mrs was grimacing at the terrain that we had to go on but still she was determined to run it!
The start was on a walk towards the end of the road and crossed over the fenced area. I was at the back adding run papers for the back walkers. The run was on some abandoned roads and through some bushes. The start of the long climb was scenic jungle trails but many were ‘enjoying’ the climb with some ‘stop for scenic view’. We were brought on to climb one after another and it was one higher than the other! ‘Stargazers’ and ‘tree loving people’ were abundant, some were even ‘testing their breaths’ and ‘looking for something on the ground’ were seen every few meters forward. Finally, reaching the top, the trail went downhill and downhill till we reached the river crossing. The longer trail was cut off at the top for the back pack to do a shorter one and for them to enjoy the cold river crossing. Some took it as a nice resting place with a cool dip. Some were trying to maintain their shoes dry! We spent some 30mins horsing around there before walking back.
10/10/10: SH4 – Sungai Long
The trail was set on the left side hills from where we parked. The pack was to go through a zig-zag trail and uphill through the bushes till the top of the first climb. Me Mrs was way up front as I was at the very end doing some ‘sweeping’ duties. There were the few new comers which one guy was wearing a pair of slacks! We had to send him along with the turn backers after the first hill! Further up, we were on a familiar trail that has been almost long forgotten - the top of the flat bushy hill walk and then the steep downhill till the mushy bamboo growths trails. I wondered how me Mrs crossed here. Then we came to this gradient long climb, the new comers (2 ladies and another guys) were doing fine, as they have not experience this before and were ‘gazing stars’ while testing the trees’ strength. One lady fainted (Sue Ann) as she hyperventilated during the climb while the other man was way back as he rested on minutes after every few steps! We finally reached the top and heard the front pack at the bottom of the hill and on the opposite side, doing the home trail as we could get some glimpse of the clearing. It was all the way downhill till we reached the clearing near the run site. I did not keep track on what time we came out but me Mrs was out in an hour.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010
"兴哥"? 谁人啊?打开会员册,没有此人。朱肠粉尝试形容他的样貌和身材。好像有点影像。会不会是HONDA? 朱肠粉回答好像是。。。。Hon Fak Hin....Hin = 兴。应该是他。马上给了朱肠粉HONDA住家电话。朱肠粉回电说电话不对。突然想到HONDA SOH 也是会员。马上联络她。她也证实HONDA刚好在六里村走山。心马上掉下。她也被吓倒。连忙叫朱肠粉再联络她给于她更详细的消息。她也和孩子赶到现场。
这时我也没有一个正确的信息。打了多通电话.....也接了多通电话.....只知道他上山时跌倒和晕倒了。地点是在Ketumbar Heights。心情非常烦躁....他醒了吗?有没有人会CPR或急救方法?....
这不是HASH RUN....如是HASH run...有SWEEPER能够急救.....谁在救他? 又想到LAUTAN在就好...急急急急..
不久,再接到长脚的来电时,从背后的哭喊声,我已知道没有了。 一时感到心一片绞痛.走山的同志就这样离开了我们。。。
Monday, September 27, 2010
SH4 8th Anniversary & AGM Run on 26 Sep-10
For this celebration, we were under pressure as how to maintain the high standard of SH4 event from year to year. A great challenge to the organising committee. Luckily, we made it again. Thanks to the support and co-operation from all SH4 members and hashers who had participated in our great event yesterday.
Around 2pm, some of them already called LAUTAN as we were still at home. They seems couldn't wait and so exited for the event. When we reached the runsite, there were already a big group of SH4 members awaiting. With the crowd, we set up the canopies in a short time. Great team work spirit from SH4 BRAVO!
The sky didn't look good at all. It seems the DARK CLOUD also coming to join us and started singing happily. LAUTAN as usual did his ceremory "negotiate" to give a clear day for our event. It seems didn't work well this round.
Anyway, it did give us some ample time for hashers to collect their FREEBIE. This year, we have designed a pair of singlet and short pant in the colour of Black & Orange. With a symbolic "8" behind the singlet. Small SH4 logo infront of the Shirt. Both "SH4" and "On On" were printed in the short pant. Quite a good combination. It looks great in a pair.
As usual, given out FREEBIE is always the BIGGEST CHALLENGE to me in all our events. It always FULLY REGISTERED with a long waiting list who joined at the very last minutes. For what I ordered from the suppliers, they will never give you a correct quantity. It always given me the headache to pursue the hashers to collect freebie which are not with their registered sizes. As always, one or two sizes are out of standard size. This gave another challenge to us. Anyway, we managed to distribute all FREEBIEs in safe hand. Although some dissapointed faces on some hashers, but we had tried our best to help them to exchange among themselves. When all dressed up with this great pairs, all worry and concerns had just gone...I was so enjoy to see the "black" and "orange"...theme of the day...ON! ON!
The run started with GM climbing on top of a Hilux. After a short speech, he initiated the run and the firecraker sounded at the same time. All ~300 hashers massed in the journey with full of confident. At the same time, the cloud also joining the crowd by giving a "POURING" to all of them...a wet wet RUN.
Those who stayed at the runsite, we were all gathered in the confine space. Suddently, we were "so close". An experience that I have hardly had in SH4. We shared a lot of joys under the tents with the heavy pouring outside. The rain stopped after 30 seems that the negotiation did by LAUTAN committed.
Then...the BABELOO roast pig arrived...the crowd made a very long Q for this delicious pork for the night. Slowly, one by one completed their run and back to the runsite. The Q getting longer and longer..the taste of BABE PORK was fantatics, it just melted in our mouth... you just couldn't stop for next piece of BABE.
CIRCLE AND AGM started after 7pm...but..again the cloud joining us again...drizzling...
We rushed to complete our Financial Report & Activity Report. Then, GM discharged the old committee and thanks them for their great services. Then, the floor passed to NoHair to chair the election session. NoHair decided not to be re-elected. The new committee has been elected smoothly and without any problem. The drizzle was getting heavier...we closed our CURCLE and all moved to restaurant for our DINNER.
At 8.30pm, we started our DINNER with ICE BREKER to have a roll call for hashers from all nearby Chapters. Then, an ON DOWN for all visiting GM and chapter reps. Then, appreciation also did it to all the sponsors. After completing this SERIOUS AND DULL ceremony...we then moved to the HIGHLIGHT of the night....GAMES TIME!!!
Once agian, we managed to invited our "POPULAR" game run the game shows again. A long awaited time......
He started with "HAKKA JOKE" HAKKA like to say.."LIN" their conversation. RoadBlur shared a full humorous speech with all the LIN in the story...e.g. LIN XI, LIN TIU, LIN TAO, LIN SUI, LIU KON and etc...It was a real good "dessert" to ALL. All got "WARM" up instantly..Thanks for the LIN TALK.
The following game was the HIGH of the night....make-up/ costume decorative game....10 volunteers being selected to be make-up or decorated by thier table mates for a CATWALK contest in the end of the show. Then, RoadBlur taught everyone on a line dance from the song of "YMCA". During the practise session, some of them who had not hesitated to wait and rushed to the stage to show their "OUTLOOK".
All hidden talent explored from our contestants. They were so BRAVE and in HIGH SPIRIT to perform their CATWALK...some even goot "sexual harrassment" from the crowd as they are more feminine than lady...those "hamsap" uncle couldn't behave touched here ...touched there...Anyway, the contestants seems enjoyed by the harrassment. The whole floor was in totally lost of control but very enjoy. In the end, LAIXI won the BIG he wore a jean hat (some lady short), a black bra, yelllow belt, Sh4 short pant plus a high heel. He walked femine slow (as he was struggling with walking with high heel), a cigartte on his hand added his speciallity compare to others. A closed fight from Pete Czepil (the only Mat Salleh) who even scrified by showing his "PET PET" to gain some VOTEs...but it seems not helpful. I would suggest him to show the "opposite side" of PET PET next time.
To cool all down, RoadBlur played the "YMCA" to gather all for a group dance.
For the 2nd game, RoadBlur called all TOP 5 FROP male and female to the stage for recogintion... a trap..
10 of them were happily on stage...RoadBlur gave them each a small present...for the next game...OMG! it was a box of CONDOM...what are they going to do with it? As of Roadblur, FROP normally have more AIR compared to others; hence, they can run faster. To proof this, we asked all FROP to BLOW the CONDOM...the winner will be the one who first to burst the balloon condom.. this was a challenge to our lady FROP...they even struggled in opening the condom box...seems very in-experience...GM offered his help in special training after the event...Another wild wild moment... In the end, SAI KIONG won the game.
For the last game, ..."BOAT RACE"...RoabBlur had no challenge for volunteers as all were so eager to the game..They were really ENJOY & HAPPY. This round, we asked one guy from the team of 3 to carry the beer under the crotch. A lady with a sraw in her mouth to do the "SUCKING JOB". Another member to carry a bowl to ensure no spill over. The team who first to empty the beer bottle will win. Another round of WILD WILD WILD. Finally, Follow-me's team won the prize.
By this time, the last dish had served. Some started leaving with full of joy. For those who stayed back...they have antoher round of DISCO Hours.
It was a GREAT NITE and I have received a lot of THUMBS-UP for SH4...another successful event.
Thanks for all who has participated in our celebration. Thanks for your involvement, laughter, fun and joy. ON! ON!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
能耐与信心(上), (中), (下)
看后,请分享你的看法。谢谢。ON ON!
星期天是SH4 第七团做Hare(大食会)的日子,因为接近8周年纪念宴会兼AGM会议,本来琦哥打算缺席不来参加这次大食会,因为百灵艺术协会也选了今天在邵氏广场喜来登酒家,为36周年庆宴会成功举行后设了个酬劳会,琦哥负责这次拍照任务.宴会上气氛很好,很高兴就喝了好几杯红酒助兴,宴会散席宝珠回会所練歌,我想想还有时间,就回家換衣裤提了鞋子食水赶去行山集合处,希望能和大家进山健走,也希望知道8周年有些什么活动.
"今天set run的傢伙不知是谁,set的精彩又要命,琦哥不怕走長路,只是在又暗又湿的河道穿来穿去,又要在石头上跳来跳去..."琦哥心里想着不会是会長卖菜仔的傑作吧,想着想着就在跳过一个最湿的大石上时滑了一跤,好彩没伤着什么地方!可是肚子内中午酬劳宴吃下的鱼翅乳猪昌鱼,全要跟大腸说拜拜,跟一肚子的风要大出来了.说实在的,琦哥不是个有洁疵的人,不过在树林河边出共还是第一次,衭子几乎脱不及就解放了,事后用河水洗比古,没看清楚是不是痾出青青的颜色(之前来回走几趟,我说有奌怕迷路而已,你们信吗?)
话说回头,琦哥往山坡上走着走着,微弱的灯光照着"路"中间,好像有一样"东西"挡在前面,稀稀疏疏的动着--不会是应节的东西吧?!用灯光照上去,那"东西"出声说话:"你係唔係sunday hash的人?为什么才走到,后面的人呢?你叫什么名...."....大家说是不是山中遇故知到自家人,琦哥说"我是SH4的人呀,我叫"四脚蛇"你又是谁,为什么坐在路中?"对方说"我是雷门,你一早不是在我后面怎么后来不见了....我们现在在那里?我在打电话给卖菜仔求救却说不出地奌,我在这条路上上下下走了三趟,走不出去....""我也是在山坡下来回走了几趟,才摸上来的,为什你会走回头?怎样,可以走上去吗?我有来过这个瀑布,认得路直上到顶就可以回到第六站,然后就回到山下"
《老爸生前对我说,"倒屎都要做倒屎头",倒糞头只是指揮工人工作,自已不用下手抬糞(大家去Pudu Plaza或邵氏广场看看有没有古早午夜倒"夜来香"相片对证).宝珠姐日前对我说,做人不要锋芒尽露强出头,尽量"低姿態"不使人眼红嫉妒,防人之心不可无--琦哥还是"听某咀"好了,这是题外话》
在等待的那三四十分钟时间,好像很長很長,终于在虫鳴水流声中听到遠遠的人声--救兵到了,阿明马来仔和super oldman三个人连忙给我们100号解渴,身体精神也立刻抖擻起来,五个人就鱼贯下山,到山坡下看看时间已经是11时30分!SH4的一个新纪录産生了!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Run #410 - 05/09/10 - Bandar Mahkota Cheras
终于回到树林再往高峰进行。不幸的,我身体出状况了。脚好像特别重,呼吸特别困难。有种像在神山攻顶的感觉,非常辛苦。可是,这只有300公尺高而已。搞不好,今天细蛋反而晕到而要被人救。“休息...细蛋!休息!..." ...放慢脚步...深深呼吸....大喝几声....台头望天....放松自已....回归自然......慢慢的我已到达顶端...好像是360公尺高。(我其实已身体不适。一路上是喉咙疼和流鼻涕。)
下山的路的确较轻松。我们是一路绕着这顶峰走。间中有几次上上下下往高处低处行。“嘿!SETRUN的, 你们是不是闹乱子了?” 有几次离出山的出口那么近却又转回头越行越远。眼见我们的路是一直往LANGAT路的方向行走时, 细蛋已按捺不住...."他们是不是已疯狂了...STOP! STOP!..STOP!"..终于转回头了。
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Run #409 - 29/08/10 - Bukit Hatamas (Circle)

匆匆忙忙中,听到老蛋在呼叫大家聚合.....好像有听到分两队进山....短(SHORT RUN)的如平常般长....長途(LONG RUN) 的那条要3小时...只给FAST RUNNING BUSTER走......短的是跟蓝纸....長的是跟SH4纸...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Run #408 - 22/08/10 - Hulu Langat AngroTek
当从远处闻到榴梿的香味, 所有的痛苦都一扫而空。Kirby又在次把欢乐带给大家。谢谢他送的榴梿。大家也把马路当草席,就地而坐,大吃大喝, 大做文章,谈笑风生。